H3 Russian Squat Routine
This program is designed for an athlete to increase their 1RM Back Squat by way of the tried and true 6 week Russian Squat Cycle. There is also a strong focus on the quick lifts and some other very important components of strength. The program is set up for 3 training days per week with the quick lifts, squatting and other facets of strength training. The additional work to be completed in a week can be done according to the athletes schedule and time available to complete everything.
It is also designed for the athlete to focus on this program first and finish up with some sort of metabolic conditioning.
Week 1
Day One
A. Snatch; 3 x 3 @75%
B. High Hang Snatch Pull; 2 x 4 @85%
C. Back Squat; 6 x 2 @ 80%
Day Two
A. C&J; 4 x 3+2@75%
B. Clean Pulls; 5 x 5@85%
C. Push Press; 3-3-3-3-3
D. Back Squat;6 x 3 @ 80%
Day Three
A. Power Snatch; 3 x 3@75%
B. Power Clean + Power Jerk; 3 x 2+2@75%
Optional on same day, or another day.
C. Back Squat;6 x 2 @ 80%
Week 1 – additional work to complete
A. OHS; 7-7-7-7
B. Dips; (30X0), 5×5
C. Box Jumps (6×6)x2
D. Glute-Ham Raise; x 70
C. Abs x 100
Week 2
Day One
A. Snatch; 1 x 3 @75%, 3 x 2@80%
B. High Hang Snatch Pull; 2 x 4 @90%
C. Back Squat; 6 x 4 @ 80%
Day Two
A. C&J; 1 x 3+2@75%, 3 x 2+2@80%
B. Clean Pulls; 5 x 5@90%
C. Power Jerk; 4 x 3@75%
D. Back Squat; 6 x 2 @ 80%
Day Three
A. Power Snatch; 3 x 3@75%
B. Thruster; 5-5-5-3-3-3
Optional on same day, or another day.
C. Back Squat; 6 x 5 @ 80%
Week 2 – additional work to complete
A. Front Squat; 7-7-7-7
B. Pull Ups; (30X0), 5×5
C. Weighted Jumps (5×5)x2
D. Glute-Ham Raise; x 70
C. Abs x 100
Week 3
Day One
A. Snatch; 4 x 2@80%
B. Snatch Pull; 3 x 3 @90%
C. Back Squat; 6 x 2 @ 80%
Day Two
A. C&J; 4 x 2+2@80%
B. Clean Pulls; 5 x 5@90%
C. Push Press; 3-3-3-3-3
D. Back Squat; 6 x 6 @ 80%
Day Three
A. Power Snatch; 4 x 2@80%
B. Power Clean + Power Jerk; 4 x 1+2@80%
Optional on same day, or another day.
C. Back Squat; 6 x 2 @ 80%
Week 3 – additional work to complete
A. OHS; 5-5-5-5-5
B. Dips; (30X0), 5×5
C. Box Jumps (6×6)x2
D. Glute-Ham Raise; x 70
E. Abs x 150
Week 4
Day One
A. Snatch; 2 x 2@80%, 2×1@85%
B. Snatch Pull; 3 x 3 @95%
C. Back Squat; 5 x 5 @ 85%
Day Two
A. C&J; 1x 2+2@80%, 3×1+1@85%
B. Clean Pulls; 5 x 5@90%
C. Power Jerk; 4 x 2@80%
D. Back Squat; 6 x 2 @ 80%
Day Three
A. Power Snatch; 3 x 3@75%
B. Thruster; 3-3-3-2-2-2
Optional on same day, or another day.
C. Back Squat; 4 x 4 @ 90%
Week 4 – additional work to complete
A. Front Squat; 5-5-5-5-5
B. Pull Ups; (30X0), 5×5
C. Weighted Jumps (5×5)x2
D. Glute-Ham Raise; x 70
C. Abs x 150
Week 5
Day One
A. Snatch; 5 x 1 @85%
B. Snatch Pull; 3 x 3 @90%
C. Back Squat; 6 x 2 @ 80%
Day Two
A. C&J; 4 x 1+1@85%
B. Clean Pulls; 3 x 3@95%
C. Push Press; 2-2-2-2-2
D. Back Squat; 3 x 3 @ 95%
Day Three
A. Power Snatch; 5 x 1@85%
B. Power Clean + Power Jerk; 4 x 1+1@85%
Optional on same day, or another day.
C. Back Squat; 6 x 2 @ 80%
Week 5 – additional work to complete
A. OHS; 3-3-3-3-3-3
B. Dips; (30X0), 5×5
C. Box Jumps (6×6)x2
D. Glute-Ham Raise; x 70
C. Abs x 200
Week 6
Day One
A. Snatch; 1 x 3 @75%, 3 x 2@80%
B. Back Squat; 2 x 2 @ 100%
Day Two
A. C&J; 1 x 3+2@75%, 3 x 2+2@80%
B. Power Jerk; 4 x 3@75%
C. Back Squat; 6 x 2 @ 80%
Day Three
A. Back Squat; Test new 1rm (105%)
Week 6 – additional work to complete
A. Front Squat; 3-3-3-3
B. Pull Ups; (30X0), 5×5
C. Glute-Ham Raise; x 70
D. Abs x 150
Week 7 – additional work to complete
A.Bent Over Row; 3-3-3-3-3-3
B. Pull Ups; (30X0), 5×5
C. Weighted Jumps (5×5)x2
D. Glute-Ham Raise; x 70
C. Abs x 150
Week 8 – additional work to complete
A. OHS; 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
B. Front Squat; 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
C. Dips; (30X0), 5×5
D. Box Jumps (6×6)x2
E. Glute-Ham Raise; x 70
F. Abs x 200