Saturday 2/3/2024 – Monday 2/5/2024


A – Split Jerk w/ 1 sec pause in dip: Find a max for the day. Be disciplined with the full 1 sec pause in the dip. Use block if able

245 – missed 255 – just couldn’t generate enough power to drive the bar out of the pause


12-minute AMRAP:

8 DB Power Clean @ 50lbs

40 Crossover Singles

8 DB Box Step Ups @ 50lbs

16 Cal Row

3 even – so i have to get on a crossover single grind


B – Accumulate 20 strict L-sit pullups

Done in sets of 5

C – Accumulate 80 GHD situps


D – Accumulate 200ft HSW

Done – it was about the 125-150ft mark that i got really fatigued

2/4 – OFF


Snatch recoveries from tall blocks or spotter arms x, rest 4-5 sec bt reps, 2 min bt sets x 5 sets

145-155-165-175×2 – i stopped at 175 because that was the first set that I felt the balance in my feet not as consistent


A1 – Heaving snatch balances x 3 reps with pause in the bottom , rest 30 sec

A2 – High hang squat snatch triples x 3, 3 sec pause in the bottom of each rep, rest 2:30 x 5 sets

115 – this might have been a bit heavy for all the volume even though it felt good crisp and fast

(building slightly from last week, but still LIGHT, we want a lot of exposure in that position)

B – Bottoms up 1-arm DB overhead squat from low box x 5/side, rest 1 min bt arms x 3 sets/side


(sit completely on low box with feet in squat stance, press DB up overhead, then stand up, pause, and sit back down under control)

C1 – DBl DB OH carry x 60ft @ 50lbs/hand, rest 20 sec

C2 – Butt to wall strict HSPU x 6-9 reps (use the 10in line, 30in wide), rest 2:30 x 4 sets


C – Front squats 5 sets of 10 @ 115-125lbs, rest 90 sec



5 rounds @ steady effort (gymnastic volume accumulation)

3-4 weighted ring pullups

12 Parallette pushups

10 feet elevated ring rows

12 dbl DB bench press

40 for pull ups and 50’s for bench press

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Wednesday 1/31/2024

A – Power clean/push jerk – 1 rep every 8 sec x 5, rest 3 min x 5 working sets (all sets at 135-155)


B1 – Kickstand dbl DB RDLs x 8/side @ 20X1 tempo, rest 90 sec

50’s and I slightly elevated my toes and felt like it kept everything back in my heels. The smarter think probably would’ve been to lower the weight but that was going to happen at that point

B2 – Strict press x 6 reps with 1 sec hold overhead, rest 90 sec x 4 sets 

115 for the first 2 sets but that got a little grindy so I backed off to 95 for the last 2

C1 – (Toes to ring x 1/Ring MU x 1/Ring Dip x 1) x 3 reps, rest 90 sec

Rhythm was a little off towards the 3rd rep – had to work for it but the complex was fun

C2 – Dbl DB devil press x 5 reps for smooth speed @ 50lbs/hand, rest 90 sec x 4 sets

I felt I had good smooth turnover here, it was easier to be smooth when lowering the db’s back to my shoulders and go straight down instead of going from overhead to the ground


3 rounds for time

30 row cals

30 empty bar hang power cleans

30 empty bar thrusters

I forgot to put in my score right away but I think it was but i know it was under 4 minutes per round so maybe 11:35 – 11:53 is a possiblity too but just know this was the perfect blend of mental toughness and muscle endurance

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Tuesday 1/30/24


Hip/knee prep (2x through if you have time) 

Banded TKE x 30/side 

Banded glute kickbacks from standing x 6-8/side –

30 sec/side half kneeling diagonal stretch 

Hip rotation windshield wipers x 4-5/side for as much ROM as you can find in each direction without compensating/leaning (

90/90 shin box switch with external rotation stretch x 20 sec + internal rotation lift offs x 3-4 

Knee pressouts from squat x 5-6/side with hold at end of each (

Standing hip internal rotations with adduction x 6/side (keep pressure inwards as you rotate – )


5 min echo bike, nasal breathing only



Every 4 min x 10 

Sets 1-3: Bike erg 1k @ 1:55-1:58/1k – 1:55.6—1:55.2—1:55.3

Sets 4-6: Ski 500m @ 2:02/500m – 2:01.8—2:01.9—2:01.8

Sets 7-8: Bike erg 1k @ 1:53-1:55/1k – 1:53.5—1:53.7

Sets 9-10: Ski 500m @ 2:00/500m – 1:58.8—1:58.5


5 min down regulation breathing (feet elevated, head supported)


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Wednesday 1/24/24 – Monday 1/29/24


Hip snatch triples @ 115-125lbs, rest 2 min x 4 sets



Above knee hang squat snatch doubles @ 125-135lbs, rest 2 min x 3 sets



Below knee hang squat snatch singles x 3 reps @ 155, rest as needed



3 sets

20 Cal Ski 

20 V-ups 

10 Power clean/push jerks @ 115lbs

10 OHS @ 115lbs

rest 4-5 min actively bw sets

3:36-3:37-3:47 – was a little rough today

1/25 – OFF


Hip/knee prep (2x through if you have time) 

Banded TKE x 30/side 

Banded glute kickbacks from standing x 6-8/side –

30 sec/side half kneeling diagonal stretch 

Hip rotation windshield wipers x 4-5/side for as much ROM as you can find in each direction without compensating/leaning (

90/90 shin box switch with external rotation stretch x 20 sec + internal rotation lift offs x 3-4 

Knee pressouts from squat x 5-6/side with hold at end of each (

Standing hip internal rotations with adduction x 6/side (keep pressure inwards as you rotate – )


Overlap with crew

This mess was gnarly….

For time



Power Snatch @ 75

Bar facing burpee

Rest 2 min

36 KTE

36 Power Snatch

36 Bar facing burpee

1/27 (compete overlap)

A. PC + Power Jerk + Split Jerk: 1 complex every 45 sec x 10 sets – 60% 1RM PC/J – Speed focus



For Time: 

50 Farmers Carry Walking Lunge Steps @ 50/35lbs 

100 Double Unders

30 K HSPUs 

40 Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps 

75 Double Unders 

20 Strict HSPUs 

30 OHWL Steps 

50 Double Unders 

10 Wall Facing Strict HSPUs 

24 ohwl steps at the throwdown time cap – 21:55 for the full. As soon as I hit the cap I didn’t have the same sense of urgency. The strict hspu actually felt pretty good but I was committed to small sets from the onset and when I kicked up I feel I could’ve gotten a bigger set but theres always the risk of failing and i didn’t take that risk here


B. Banded Bench Press: 3 reps every 60 sec x 6 sets; 55-65% 1RM Bench

band tension might have been a little too much – i think I had 145 on the bar if my memory serves me correctly

C. Wtd pullups – 3 reps every 60 sec x 6 sets

45lb kb

1/28 – OFF


Snatch recoveries from tall blocks or spotter arms x, rest 4-5 sec bt reps, 2 min bt sets x 5 sets 

(115-135lbs on bar, try to set it at a height where you can get fully underneath in your snatch grip, and have feet flat on ground with hips loaded)

135 – these felt really really good today


A1 – Snatch grip BTN push jerks with aggressive and consistent lateral foot transition x 3 reps, rest 30 sec

95 – paused in catch as I was trying to dial in footwork

A2 – High hang squat snatch triples x 3, 3 sec pause in the bottom of each rep to feel control/balance here, rest 2:30 x 5 sets

(work light, 85-95lbs. tech focus)


B1 – DBl DB OH carry x 50ft @ 50lbs/hand, rest 20 sec


B2 – Butt to wall strict HSPU x 6-8 reps (use the 10in line, 30in wide), rest 2:30 x 4 sets


C – Front squats 5 sets of 8 @ 115-125lbs, rest 90 sec



4 rounds @ steady effort (gymnastic volume accumulation)

3-4 weighted ring pullups

12 Parallette pushups

10 feet elevated ring rows

12 dbl DB bench press

40 lbs on the weighted ring pull up, reps were 3-4-3-3 the db bench press was 60/h on the first 2 sets but not sure i could have done them all unbroken moving at the steady effort so dropped to 50/h

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Tuesday – 1/23/2024

Self Directed

Every 2:30 min x 11 sets

2 min window/cap

15 bike erg cals buy in + 11 ski cals

15 bike erg cals buy in + 13 ski cals

15 bike erg cals buy in + 15 ski cals

15 bike erg cals buy in + 17 ski cals

15 bike erg cals buy in + 19 ski cals

15 bike erg cals buy in + 21 ski cals

15 bike erg cals buy in + 19 ski cals

15 bike erg cals buy in + 17 ski cals

15 bike erg cals buy in + 15 ski cals

15 bike erg cals buy in + 13 ski cals

15 bike erg cals buy in + 11 ski cals

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Most of January


Power clean x 1/Hang Power clean x 1/Thruster x 2, rest 3 min x 5 working sets

Wrist was really hurting so was very limited


Leviathon run through (shorty bar if you can)

Not a good day


Easy bike cooldown 15 min

1/9 (running)

Gait prep


400m Warmup Run, building in pace every 100m


800m run @ 10k pace rest 2 min

600m run @ 5k pace, rest 1 min

400m run @ strong kick, rest 6 min x 3 sets

*5400m working distance



Nessie run through in full



Every 2 min x 6

Set 1 – 8 bar MU

Set 2 – 25 wallballs (20lbs to 11ft)

Set 3 – 7 wall walks

Set 4 – 20 chest to bar pullups

Set 5 – 15 box jump overs @ 24in

Set 6 – 20 kipping HSPU

*rest 5 min x 2 times through this series

This was actually pretty fun, definitely appreciated the longer intervals – all done unbroken


Band pull aparts palms up x 10 + palms down x 10 + diagonal pull aparts x 5/side, rest 90-120 sec x 3 sets


1/11 – OFF

1/12 – overlap at gym, incorporate some FOTC movements/combinations



5 min fan bike, nasal breathing only


Every 5 min x 9

3 min window

Sets 1/4/7: Run 400m @ into Ski erg cals in remaining time @ 90% effort

Set 2/5/8: Ski erg 500m into Row cals in remaining time @ 90% effort

Set 3/6/9: Row 500m into Run AFAP in remaining time @ 90% effort

Dont remember numbers


5 min down regulation breathing (feet elevated, head supported)


Rope climb tech work – 5-6 min for efficiency


EMOM x 12

Min 1 – 16 row cals

Min 2 – 10 dbl DB bench press

Min 3 – 2 cleans @ 255lbs


1/14 – OFF


Every 2 min x 6

2 strong thrusters from floor

*all tough working sets, no big jumps

185×2, 195×2, 205×2


EMOM x 12

Min 1 – 5 ring MU

Min 2 – 10 box jump overs

Min 3 – 15 kipping HSPU


EMOM x 9

Min 1 – 16 row cals

Min 2 – 5 dbl DB devil presses @ 50/hand

Min 3 – 15 GHD situps

3rd round of ghdsu got hard so definitely want to ramp up the volume here


EMOM x 6

10 cal echo bike @ STRONG effort


1/16 (running)

Gait prep


400m Warmup Run, building in pace every 100m


1000m run @ 10k pace rest 2 min

750m run @ 5k pace, rest 1 min

500m run @ strong kick, rest 6 min x 2 sets


Don’t remember times but did these on a treadmill….it was snowing and in the teens. I don’t mind running in the cold but didn’t want to risk anything health wise week of comp


Easy bike cooldown x 10-12 min


Power snatch x 1.1.1, rest 10 sec/3 min x 3 sets (speed/crisp reps)



Snatch balance x 1/OHS x 2, new complex every 2 min x 4 sets



Rope climb tech work if you can get to one here


For time @ strong effort


Row cals

dbl DB front squats

Line facing burpees

I think i remember it being 7:31

1/18 – OFF



I will work on my write up tomorrow am

1/21 and 1/22 – OFF

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Monday 1/1/2024 – Wednesday 1/3/2024


For time

15 strict wall facing HSPU

35 seconds – actually went unbroken here, I didn’t know if I would be able to 

(rest 4 min)

For time

150ft HSW

4:12 was really good for the first 100 then just fell apart after 2nd 50ft inicrement


3 min working window

Row 30 cals, into AMRAP in remaining time

3 dbl db devil press

6 dbl db front rack squats

18 CO single unders

rest 2 min x 3 sets

1+6—1+3—1+5 – row was done around 1:28-1:30 – i need to get faster on my CO – that was my biggest limitation here


Band burnout series x 2-3 sets, rest as needed ( )

Face pulls x 8-10

BTN pulldowns x 8-10

Straight arm lat pulldowns x 8-10

DB lateral raises x 8-10

DB forward raises x 8-10

Band pull aparts x 8-10



Thorough running warmup


4k run time trial

*lets do this as 2k on indoor treadmill, then 2k outside, so we get some mixed terrain practice

So the indoor runner’s batteries were dead and i do not carry spares of those with me, so i wanted to run 800 meters on a standard treadmill on a very very slight incline, about 12 minutes on the runner and then outside run was about 2.2k, so total distance was not accurate but had a good feel for some pacing on the outside run. Time was 25:26


A – BTN snatch grip push jerk x 3/OHS x 3, rest 3 min x 4 sets

165-185-195-205 – an insight i feel personally is my overhead position doesn’t feel as strong and stable, and feel when my overhead squat capacity was much heavier and was morewas stable I had way more confidence in my hspu. I know one is more about overhead stability and the other is a bit more on rom, but just thought i would share the coinciding confidence of the two movements

B – Above knee hang power snatch x 1/Above knee hang squat snatch x 1/Snatch balance x 1. rest 3 min x 5 sets



6 sets, new set every 4 min

Odd sets – 15 chest to bar pullups + Row 18 cals + Dbl DB front rack reverse alternating lunge x 21 steps

Even sets – Dbl DB front rack reverse alternating lunges x 21 steps + Row 18 cals + 15 toes to bar

2:21-2:22-2:28-2:32-2:49-2:58 – my gymnastics work felt really good, the row was hit hard because I felt the lunges started really taking a toll on me. Not just the energy required but my knees started feeling really tired and achy. Just a tough week of getting back into the groove more than anything, and trying to squeeze 5 days of work into 4 for a work week with the holiday, so i attribute the “proverbial wall” to work/life responsibilities more than the training volume


5 rounds, not for time

15 GHD situps

7 glute ham raises

The ghd at this location for this day has a broken adjustment knob so it’s stuck where it is, so couldn’t get an ideal GHD set up especially glute ham raise.

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Friday 12/29/2023 & Saturday 12/30/2023


Am session – make up from Tuesday this week

Core Activations:

RKC “”Hard Style”” Plank Hold – 10 sec @ max effort tension

McGill Curl-up: 10 sec on/5 sec off x 4 sets/side; 10 sec on/5 sec off x 3 sets/side; 10 sec on/5 sec off x 2 sets/side; rest 30 sec b/t the sets of 4,3,&2

Rotating Planks on Elbows: 10 sec middle + 10sec left + 10 sec right + 10 sec middle x 5 sets; Rest 30 sec b/t sets

*Rest as needed b/t each


Every 2 min x 12

Set 1 – 10 shuttle runs

Set 2 – 22 cal ski erg

Set 3 – 26 cal row

about 1:06-1:11 on each – really worked on some footwork on the shuttle run

Pm session

Pump sesh run through in full

4 rounds for time (12 min cap)

Row 18 cals

12 dbl DB bench @ 50/hand

4-3-2-1 cleans

205,235,255,275lbs by round

11:41 – felt pretty tired going into the session, maybe a little fatigue from the am and a little later on a friday than i’m used to so that was a good way to feel this workout. Warming up, the barbell felt HEAVY!. Row pace was around 1200 – probably can hold this a lot higher as the bench press was more of an annoyance, thats easy to press through out of breath. The  bar at 205 and 235 felt the hardest….255 felt pretty good and 275 felt easy, got to the 275 bar at 10:51 – after the way i felt from the previous bars I din’t want to rush this but then after it felt a bit easier I know now I can push the row a bit more and tighten up the barbell work…longest part of this was the weight change. did try and set up the way it will be in the gameday layout


Trident run through in full

C2 bike/sandbag/gymnastics variations

24:43 – I am surprised by the end of this run I was not at the highest elevated point in TN, i feel 90-95% of this run was uphill and no joke, it was snowing, i guess flurries would be more accurate. Pacing was also hard as I didn’t quite know all the points in the route, so the last 800m or so, was you guessed it, uphill. So knowing exactly the place to kick was a mental challenge…but that’s good practice since I won’t be familiar with the course. I was cold and wet and I actually enjoyed the run.

10:41 gym that has C2 bike did not have a 100lb sandbag so did this with a 150… took about 1:20-ish – c2b went UB, TTB – i was pretty pleased, did 3 sets and I don’t think i rested too too much, it wasn’t until the 3rd round that got really tough as the sandbag was feeling really freaking heavy. BMU – was 6/2 – at this gym, ceiling space is limited, if I reach full extension at the top of the bar, my head touches the ceiling. So when i need to kip really really big, there is always a fear of my head hitting so I cannot always push through and get an extra rep with an extra kip. But this does force small sets short breaks but still cannot maximize kip

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Monday 12/18/2023 – Wednesday 12/27/2023

12/18 (low intensity, focus on back decompression)

3 sets, challenge loading on the muscle snatches by the end

2-3 below knee hang muscle snatch

2-3 above knee hang power snatch

2-3 heaving snatch balances (no foot transition, speed under with a little dip drive)

2-3 tempo OHS @ 22X1

75-95-115 – did 2 sets at 115 as it felt good and wanted to feel a second set at the tougher load


A1 – Mini band psoas march from standing with hands on wall x 16 alternating steps ( , rest 45 sec

A2 – Mini band quadruped kickbacks x 16 alternating reps ( ), rest 45 sec

A3 – Copenhagen planks x 10-15 sec/side ( ), rest 45 sec

A4 – Straight arm star plank x 10-15 sec/side ( ), rest 45 sec x 4 sets

B1 – Banded hip thrusts from bench x 20, pause at top, ( ), rest 1 min

B2 – Flutter kicks from parallettes x 16-20 into parallette L-sit ALAP, rest 2 min x 3 sets



Every 8 min x 4 sets


Row cals

Ski cals



5 min easy bike erg


5 min down regulation breathing


A1 – BB strict press @ 30X2 tempo x 4 strong reps, rest 30 sec

First set was at 125 and that was a bit too grindy at the tempo, backed off to 115 – also felt very stiff today through my neck/traps so all my pressing felt very restricted

A2 – Strict HSPU x 10 for time, rest 2:30 x 4 sets

47-1:19-1:47 – just not a good day pressing at all. The struggle felt extra hard the last few millimeters into lockout

B1 – Elbow on knee DB external rotations @ 30X1 tempo x 8/side, rest 1 min


B2 – Strict ring dips @ 20X1 tempo x 8-10, rest 1 min x 4 sets


C1 – 1-arm DB bent over row @ 30X1 tempo x 8/side, rest 1 min


C2 – 1-arm DB scott press x 8-10/side, rest 1 min x 4 sets ( )

D – 60 reps of banded tricep overhead extensions from prone on ground (big sets, make it burn. )


12/21 – OFF




CF fun


“Christmas Throwdown!!

With a partner – Snowman Drawing Edition:

Base Snowball = 100 Double Unders ⁣

Body Snowball = 75 Cal Row ⁣

Head Snowball = 50 Burpees ⁣

Hat = 100 Double Unders ⁣

Eyes = 75 Cal Row ⁣

Nose = 50 Air Squats (each)⁣

Mouth = 100 Double Unders ⁣

Pipe = 75 Cal Row ⁣

Arms = 50 Burpees ⁣

Buttons = 100 Double Unders ⁣

Scarf = 75 Cal Row ⁣

Eyebrows = 50 Walking Lunge steps (each) ⁣

*In pairs. Once you complete each movement, you may move to your board and draw the next part of the snowman – you cannot move from one exercise to the next until ALL reps have been completed for that movement and you draw that portion of the snowman. There are two scores for this workout – 1. Fastest time to complete the snowman and 2. Best Snowman drawing picked by the TTT community (post your completed photo to Instagram using #tttTD220)⁣

12/24 and 12/25 – OFF


Core Activations:

RKC “”Hard Style”” Plank Hold – 10 sec @ max effort tension

McGill Curl-up: 10 sec on/5 sec off x 4 sets/side; 10 sec on/5 sec off x 3 sets/side; 10 sec on/5 sec off x 2 sets/side; rest 30 sec b/t the sets of 4,3,&2

Rotating Planks on Elbows: 10 sec middle + 10sec left + 10 sec right + 10 sec middle x 5 sets; Rest 30 sec b/t sets

*Rest as needed b/t each


Every 2 min x 12

Set 1 – 10 shuttle runs

Set 2 – 22 cal ski erg

Set 3 – 26 cal row


Dbl KB front rack carry x 50ft, rest 90 sec x 6 (24-32kg/hand)

In the car all day


EMOM x 16

Min 1-2: Bike erg 1k

Min 3 – AMRAP 45 sec burpees to 12in touch

Min 4 – rest


+ (rest 4 min)

EMOM x 16

Min 1-2: Row 500m

Min 3 – AMRAP 45 sec dbl DB devil press @ 50/hand

Min 4 – rest

7-6-6-7 – the 2nd round and on with devil press was sure will and determination. Felt good in the first emom but this felt so much harder. The row felt like work and wasn’t smooth so after the first set I had to push to keep my pace around 1:50amd then going into dp i had to dig in mentally. It would’ve been super easy to make excise and pull back or quit but wasn’t going to have that 

+ (rest 4 min)

Every 2 min x 8 alternating sets (4 each)

Odd sets – 4 rope climbs

Even sets – 30 heavy rope DU’s + 20 single DB hold alternating step ups

Rope climbs got really sloppy and i’m just slow at db step ups

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WICC Weekend – 12/15/2023 – 12/16/2023

WICC Day 1

Event 1/2 – “Holiday Ham”

4 min AMRAP:

10 Sn – 95lbs

8 Sn – 135lbs

6 Sn – 165lbs

AMRAP Snatch @ 185lbs in remaining time until 4 min mark

6 – really surprised myself here…’s amazing what having a rather clean week can do for you, sleep wasn’t optimal but much better. 

Rest 1 min/Transition

Event 2:

6 min to find a 1RM Max Squat Clean

285 – didn’t have a plan because i just didn’t know, so after hitting a few lift, my buddies at the gym asked what i wanted so they started bringing me plates. I hit a lift and thought it felt really heavy so i asked for a smaller jump, but the end of the last successful lift (there were a bunch of 10’s and 15’s on the bar), i had successfully lifted 285. I did pull under 295 but caught it a little forward and didn’t feel it was worth the risk of the grind effort to stand it up. 

Event 3 –

5 Rounds for Time:

15 CTB Pull-ups

12 Deadlifts @ 225lbs

9 Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24in

11:31 – this actually felt great, and probably paced a bit more than i needed, 2 of my toughest perceived movements in one workout so I just wanted to pace and then by any means necessary keep moving on the bbxjo. Broke the c2b and deads up a bunch better never rested too too much, only once did i put my hands on my knees and thats huge compared to the number of times i wanted to and didn’t let myself.


WICC Day 2

Event 4 – Throwdown:

For Time (15 min cap)

50 OHS @ 95lbs

40 TTB

30 FRWL Steps @ 95lbs

20 Bar Muscle Ups

30 FRWL Steps @ 95lbs

40 TTB

50 OHS @ 95lbs

190 – For all of my success yesterday, today was a little different. My wrist flared up on the ohs, i didn’t think it would, it was more mentally than physical, i was way too conservative on breaking up the ohs and ttb on the front end and should’ve had a few bigger sets to press for the the time cap. 

Event 5 – “It’s not the one I wanted”

15 Rounds for Time:

15 Cal Row

5 Shuttle Runs

*No Time Cap

23:11 – i really felt my drop off happen around round 10/11 – i kind of lost track of where i was so I started getting a bit more aggressive on my shuttles, really trying to figure more efficient footwork in the middle of it, but that definitely slowed down my row and when i finally figured out where i actually was i had a hard time maintaining the pace i was on. 

Event 6 – “Chrismahanukwanzakah”:

For time (6 min cap)

75ft HS Walk – 25ft turnarounds

75 DU’s

50ft HS Walk – Pirouette at halfway mark

50 Xover SU’s

25ft Backwards HS Walk

25 Xover DU’s

*5ft unbroken increments

15 Xover – bad duz, just tired.

This was a really good experience and a fun weekend. I don’t think i ate enough as i just didn’t feel like i had much juice on saturday, so that was a good reminder. I also felt the volume i could handle, just didn’t have the ability to link the volume with intensity at this point. So great humbling experience and exciting that I surprised myself in some components and should’ve trusted myself in others

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