Monday 3/10/2025


Part 1

EMOM x 8 alternating sets

Odd sets – 5 power cleans @ 185-205lbs

Even sets – 5 wall walks

Wall walks were great until rep 20 and that was the mark i noticed the fight for that rep was very real. So the last round, i tried to attack it but was very fatigued. I went with 185 on the barbell as well. 


EMOM x 8 alternating sets

Odd sets – 15 row cals

Even sets – 15 bike erg cals

Had to go 13 echo cals for the second piece

Part 2

Age group camp workout (with filming and split recording!)

AMRAP 14 min

14 1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 50lbs

14 toes to bar

14 single DB box step overs @ 50lbs to 20in

42 DU’

I had an absolute plan to make sure that I crush my redo, as a little joke but my dubz started off with the worst possible way. 5 full rounds + 14 db snatch – the only proble was 13 of those came after time ran out, as I had my head phones on and zoned out. And with that I did’t have the sense of urgency I should’ve had the last minute through transitions. I knew it was only 14 minutes, but i’m not sure what kind of back of the napkin math my brain did when i looked at the clock at the 12:30 mark. Had an absolute terrible start with DU, not sure what was happening but it was absolutely shitty.

Haven’t updated my transition times on spreadsheet yet but I will get to that

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