Saturday 2/22/2025 – Wednesday 2/26/2025


On a running clock 

@ 0-6:00

AMRAP Rounds: 

3-6-9-12… OHS @ 135lbs (up by 3’s) 

1-2-3-4… RMU (up by 1’s) 

1min Rest

@ 7:00-13:00

Build to 2RM front squat from rack

*adjusting this to remove too much tension from neck

Coming back off our car trip and birthday celebration this was done much later in the day then I would’ve liked to so I didn’t go for 100% effort, I wanted to get some volume in and the movements so I just went up to 15 for the ohs and 5 for the rmu and went at an intentional effort but more for quality. And hit 265 on my front squat, wasn’t much more in the tank today but i’ll take that for the day. Right now I do not feel strong overhead but i’m ok with that for right now. Also skipped the running work. Energy was just low after this piece.

(short rest)

TTT running gait prep 

3x through, all barefoot 

20yd straight leg shuffle

20yd A walk 

20yd B walk 

15s two leg forward to back line hops 

15s side to side line hops


3 x 400m run at 5k pace, walk 1 min 

rest 4:00

x 4 


2/23 – OFF


A – Power clean x 1/Hang power clean x 2 – new complex every 60 sec x 5

185×3 —— and I can’t count so 205 x 3

B – Front squats – 5 sets of 10 @ 125-145lbs, rest 90 sec bt sets


C1 – Dbl DB Death March x 35ft, rest 1 min


C2 – Dbl DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat @ 2020 x 10 reps/side, rest 1 min x 3 sets


D – Single leg GHD hip extensions x 5/side with a pause at top of each into Double leg GHD hip extensions x 10, rest 2 min x 3 sets



TTT endurance running warmup

5 min bike nasal breathing only 


2-3x through 

5 walking knee hugs 

5 open the gates 

5 close the gates 

5 walking hamstring scoops 

5 front to back leg swings 

5 side to side leg swings 


2-3x through 

25 foot high knees 

25 foot butt kicks 

25 foot side shuffle/side 

25 foot carioca/side 


10 minute run easy 

* at minute 2,4,6,8 burst for 20 sec, progressing in speed with each set 



10 x 80m run at 1 mile effort, :20 walk 

rest 3:00

x 3 

Did this on a turf football field so so did 85 yards which I know is only 77ish meters but was just really easy for metrics. 


10 minute run easy


Snatch Overhead primer

A1 – Banded ATYT with CO sym bands x 6

A2 – Banded snow angels with CO sym bands x 8

A3 – Banded face pulls into external rotation and overhead press x 10

A4 – BTN sots press with training bar/empty bar x 5-6 with 1 sec hold overhead each rep

B1 – Squat snatch x 4 reps @ 135lbs, rest 30 sec

B2 – Squat snatch x 2 reps @ 155lbs, rest 30 sec

B3 – Squat snatch x 1 rep @ 175-185lbs, rest 3 min x 3 sets

155 felt the best, 175 felt great in the pull but was just a little off and unstable overhead


Broken 12min AMRAP: 

3min work / 1min rest x 4 sets (pick-up where you finished the previous set) 

20 WB @ 20lbs

15 TTB

10 Alt DB SQ Sn @ 50lbs

5 Wall Walks

3+24 – right now I have been trying to push the pace of wall walks and is coming back to bite me in the but, consistently the mental hurdle is at 4 or more, so was flying through 3, forced myself to go right back into 4 and then I felt like I hit a wall and it’s probably a little more mental

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