Tuesday 2/11/2025 – Wednesday 2/19/2025


Bike erg 5 min easy


AMRAP 20 min @ 85% effort (steady and sweaty)

Bike erg 25 cals

Air squat x 20

HR pushup x 15

V-ups x 10



10-15 min mobility


A – Barefoot back squats @ 31X1 x 4 reps, new set every 2:30 x 5


B1 – 30 sec unloaded wall sit, rest 30 sec

B2 – 30 jumping air squats for time (ensure you get some clearance and full hip extension at top of each rep), rest 3 min x 3 sets


C – (Deadlift x 1/Floating deadlift x 1) * 4 unbroken complexes, rest 3 min x 5 sets

*mod loading here, just get posterior chan working a bit


D1 – Banded bird dogs x 8-10/side, rest 45 sec x 3 sets


D2 – Banded reverse squats x 15, rest 60 sec x 3 sets


2/13 – OFF


On a running clock

Run 250m

Ski 250m

Run 500m


rest to the 7 min mark

Run 250m

Row 250m

Run 500m

rest to the 16 min mark x 3 sets

4:50—4:31—4:28 runs were down outside with as close to an approximation as we could make on the distances.


Knee/hip prehab x 3 sets

15/side banded TKE

15/side banded hamstring curls

15 sec/side bent knee copenhagen plank

15 banded abductions leaning forward + 15 banded abductions leaning back


2/15 (compete overlap, tttTD)

A. Push Press; accumulate 30 reps @ 65% of 1RM for QUALITY (each set should be (AMRAP-3), leaving 3-4 reps in the tank)

I slipped in the rain this week walking the dog and I didn’t realize it but the fall, thankfully on grass jarred my neck/traps/shoulders pretty good and with the cyclical work yesterday I didn’t realize how stiff i was. But my neck was a major point of restriction and discomfort when trying to get my head through here today. Very uncomfortable. 145



For time (13 min cap)

3 Rounds

5 Wall Walks

10 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20″


2 Rounds

12 HSPU (any style)

12 DBL DB Box Step-ups @ 50/35#, 20″ for everyone


1 Round

100ft HSW

100ft DBL DB FR WL @ 50/35#

Completed the hs walk but barely. My neck made this really tough, but also came out of the gate a little too hot on wall walks as I was racing Gus on those. 

2/16 – OFF


A – Tall clean pull unders triples for speed/connection/balance, new set every 2 min x 5

*working weight around 155-175, lets stay connected to bar here and make sure we’re catching in a strong squat

155 – I was afraid I might not get under 175 for a triple today

B – Squat Clean/Jerk: 1.1.1 x 3 sets; rest 20 sec b/t reps; rest 2-3 min b/t sets

*all sets around 185-205lbs

185 —- This neck posed to be a major problem for me in the jerk so i had to go to a split jerk as the push jerk made it painful and hard. Going to get adjusted today

C – Front squats – 5 sets of 8 @ 125-145lbs, rest 90 sec bt sets


D1 – Dbl DB Death March x 30ft, rest 1 min


D2 – Dbl DB Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat @ 2020 x 8 reps/side, rest 1 min x 3 sets

Did my first set w/40s but was going to have a hell of a time doing the proper 8 in a row so dropped to 30s for the last 2 sets and quality was good from there on out

E – Single leg GHD hip extensions x 4-6/side with a pause at top of each, rest 2 min x 3 sets



Every 3 min x 6 sets

Sets 1/4: 2 min bike erg @ 85%

Sets 2/5: 2 min ski erg @ 85%

Sets 3/6: 2 min jog @ 85%

40&43 cals on bike erg w/an average of 1200+ and dipping into 1300 a few times – ski was 1100 I think i remember the cals being 37 and 38


Upper bodybuilding density


Cheater bicep curls

Cable/banded tricep pressdowns

rest 3 min x 2 sets

30s on the first set and was really cheating on the curls so went to 25s and was less of a swing


Change plate teacup rotations x 3/direction/hand x 2 sets



Bottoms up KB TGU x 3/side, rest as needed x 2 sets



I did get adjusted and my body/neck feels so much better and closer to normal

A – Power snatch x 1/Hang snatch x 1, new complex every 2 min x 5


B – Barefoot back squats @ 31X1 x 3-4 reps, new set every 2:30 x 5

225×2—245x ——- 4’s all the way across. 225 was about a 7-8/10 RPE and 245 was an 8.5/9/10

C1 – 35 sec unloaded wall sit, rest 25 sec

C2 – 35 jumping air squats for time (ensure you get some clearance and full hip extension at top of each rep), rest 3 min x 3 sets

37—37—35 – it was right around 25 that this shit got real. But I also started off with a goal of never stop moving as opposed to trying to go for speed as I found last week i could do

D – (Deadlift x 1/Floating deadlift x 1) * 3 unbroken complexes, rest 3 min x 5 sets

*build in loading here from last week

245×3 — 255 — 265

E1 – Banded bird dogs x 8-10/side, rest 45 sec x 3 sets


E2 – Banded reverse squats x 15, rest 60 sec x 3 sets


I have a tight window tomorrow. It’s kelsey’s birthday today  (Thursday) and we are making a quick overnight trip. So I will get training in on friday but might not have the time to get to Gus’s for the 15ft rope climb but I will get the session in just might have to modify the rope climb work a little. Everything else will be good

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