Wednesday – 1/22/2025

1/22 (easier)

Bar MU – 5 sets of 4 reps for smooth tech, long body lines and good hip pop to catch them high, rest as needed with a focus on quality here

I have a bad habit of trying to rely solely on my memory and not writing any workout information down. So I did 4 sets of 5 reps before I realized I was only supposed to be doing sets of 4, so I got extra reps in on the Friday 4 sets. 


Every 2 min x 4 sets

Ski erg 30 sec @ 1000+ cal/hr

AMRAP dbl DB devil press @ 50lbs to the 1:15 mark

*rest 45 sec bt rounds

7 reps across on all sets. I tried to move smooth and efficient and not try to speed up cycle rate. This kept me pain free in the ankle. So good work today. 


A1 – Dbl DB strict press from standing x 6-8 with pause at top of each, rest 1 min


A2 – Cable horizontal row with pause at sternum x 9-12, rest 1 min

It was really nice to actually use a machine for this

A3 – Parallette pushups with feet elevated x 9-12, rest 1 min

Shoulder actually felt really good here

A4 – Straight arm hang from climbing rope x 15 sec/top hand, rest 1 min x 3 sets

My forearms are a little tender from this the day after


10-15 min ankle rehab

Much better day today

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