A – Squat snatch triples x 2 sets, rest 2 min bt sets
B – Squat snatch doubles x 2 sets, rest 2 min bt sets
C – Squat snatch x 4 building singles, you decide loading, rest as needed
165-175-missed 180 twice – it felt more positional overhead and not the ankle, but there could have been some limited dorsiflexion that inhibited that load as well as not opening up my thoracic enough. I did go through the ankle work and that took a while and I tried to speed track some of my snatch prep so might not have done myself any favors there. Overall, the ankle work felt really good and I think we will be ok, but like we discusses i’ll be smart this week and progressing and therapy.
D – 3 TNG squat snatches @ 135lbs, new set every 30 sec x 3, rest 3 min x 2
*18 total reps
Done – it was probably about the 6th rep on both sets that I felt the spiciness kick in.
E1 – Front squat x 6 reps @ 185-195, rest 30 sec
E2 – Front squat x 4 reps @ 205-215, rest 30 sec
E3 – Front squat x 2 reps @ 235-245, rest 3 min x 3 sets
Went with the low end on all sets except for the last set of 2 when I went 245
F – Knee prehab/accessory, your choice
*VMO and hamstring activation, but go with what feels ‘needed’
3 sets
Lowbox hamstring bridge 30sec
Band TKE 25
Patrick stepdown x 6/leg