Monday 10/7/2024 – Wednesday 10/16/2024

Row 5 min @ 22 s/min with display on force curve
*pretty rainbows! pace is whatever you want it to be, very easy
Ski erg 500m x 12 sets; rest 2:00 min bt sets
*1:58/500m to start, increase pace each set if possible
1:55.8—1:55.1—1:54.5—1:52.7—1:52.4—1:50.5—1:50.2—1:50.9—1:48.7—1:50.4—1:49.0—1:46.3 – the first set @ 1:55.8 felt smooth so at that point I just decided that I was going to push the pace and see if I could hang onto that effort from the 6th interval on
Weight vest walk 20 min

FOTC Week 1 second attempt

A – Snatch grip isometric pin pull below knee height – 10 sec of HARD contraction, new set every 90 sec x 5
B – Below knee paused power snatch x 1.1.1 + 3 BTN snatch grip push jerks with pause in catch position, rest 3 min x 4 sets
155 across
C – Front squat @ 32X1 x 5 @ 215-225lbs, rest 3 min x 4 sets
D – Rear foot elevated split squat – 4 sets of 8/side @ 115lbs, rest 1 min
Ummm ouch
E – Strict press @ 41X3 tempo x 6, rest 2 min x 4 sets (all sets within 10-15lbs working load from last weeks best set)
F – Strict press drop set – AMRAP (-1) @ same load as last week, rest 30 sec, AMRAP (-1) @ same load as last week, rest 30 sec, AMRAP (-1) @ same load as last week. Rest 4 min x 2 sets
(try to get more reps in each corresponding set)
7-8-12 & 7-6-10
Serratus/scap series x 2 sets for quality
6-8 banded straight arm presses from quadruped
4-5/side banded archer pullbacks with mini-band
5-6 band distracted light DB front raises
5-6 scap pullups

10/10 – OFF

FOTC week 2 qual

A – Power clean x 1/Hang power clean x 2, rest 2 min x 5 building sets, last 2 strong effort
B – Quick rope climb/RMU touch, low volume, just tech maintenance. Maybe 3-4 rope climbs and 9-12 ring MU total
2 sets
Echo bike 17 cals (finish sub 60 sec), rest to 1:15 mark
AMRAP ground to overhead @ 155lbs until the 2 min mark
rest to 5 min mark before second set
4 sets @ strong effort
4 shuttle runs (25+25)
8 deadlifts @ 225lbs
12 toes to bar
8 BBJO @ 24in
new set every 5 min

10/13 – OFF

Row 5 min @ 22 s/min with display on force curve
*pretty rainbows! pace is whatever you want it to be, very easy
Ski erg 400m x 15 sets; rest 2:00 min bt sets
*1:56/500m to start, increase pace each set if possible
Weight vest walk 20 min

Redo of FOTC 24.2 & 24.3

A – Snatch grip isometric pin pull below knee height – 12 sec of HARD contraction, new set every 90 sec x 5
B – Below knee paused power snatch x 1.1 + Floating Squat snatch x 2, rest 3 min x 4 sets (2 paused reps, dropping to floor after first but hold onto the second. then go back to float/hover position for 2 squat reps)
C – Front squat @ 32X1 x 5 @ 225-235lbs, rest 3 min x 4 sets
235 – was easier with the weights I had out and I kind of regretted it after the first set but it felt better for the most part as I went
D – Rear foot elevated split squat – 4 sets of 10/side @ 115lbs, rest 1 min
I hate you. Or maybe not today but I will tomorrow
E – Strict press @ 51X3 tempo x 6, rest 2 min x 4 sets (all sets as close as possible to last week’s last set)
F – Strict press 21’s (7 reps from shoulders to forehead, 7 reps from forehead to lockout, 7 reps through full ROM), rest 2 min x 3 sets (light to moderate loading)
Serratus/scap series x 2 sets for quality
6-8 banded straight arm presses from quadruped
4-5/side banded archer pullbacks with mini-band
5-6 band distracted light DB front raises
5-6 scap pullups

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