Monday 9/16/2024 – Friday 9/20/2024


Half kneeling thoracic flow x 3 sets

5 reps/side of (overhead half moon with arm closest to wall + horizontal windmill with arm away from wall) ( )

30 sec of foam rolling upper back , keep rib cage down during to isolate t spine



A – Dbl DB bench press x 10, rest 2 min x 5 sets (keep a continuous tempo to the set, with good depth/lockout) 


B1 – Wall facing strict HSPU x 3-4, rest 30 sec


B2 – Butt to wall strict HSPU x 3-4, rest 30 sec

4’s I even tried a few times to pause on the mat and take out momentum. I couldn’t do it for all 4 but at least 1

B3 – Kipping HSPU x 12 for time, rest 3 min x 3 sets

Forgot to track times 

C – Feet elevated ring rows x 12 for time, rest 2 min x 3 sets (feet elevated to same height as hands, these should get spicy)

20–23—24 – elevating my feet that high felt dangerous and I felt like I was going to have to kip some of them lol 


EMOM x 10

Odd sets – 30 sec AMRAP dbl db push presses @ 45lbs/hand


Even sets – 30 sec AMRAP russian swings @ 32-40kg

17–16–15–15-15 – this one was way more aerobic than any of the other progressions here, or maybe it was just the dbl db push press but I had a harder time to will myself to drive the hips harder to get a rep or two more out of the swing – done at 90


EMOM x 10

30ft HSW

Last week this fired up my shoulder so today I just went for 10 sets not on a clock. I called it at 8 as my shoulder started getting a little angry 


Every 45 sec x 5, rest 3 min x 4 working sets

Power clean x 1/Hang squat clean x 1 (same load inside a set, build each set to something tough for the day)

175—190—205—215 – 215 might have been a bit too much to bite off being crisp and clean but still was able to get all in roughly the same time frame, except for maybe grindy on the last squat


3 rounds for time

600m run (each round)

21-15-9 Toes to bar (reps go down by round)

12-9-6 Hang Squat cleans @ 155lbs (reps go down by round)

15:14 —— did all ttb UB, might have been a bad move but just wanted to see. And I had some manual therapy on the shoulder prior to the session so it felt really good with no pain. It also might have been a mistake because I didn’t attack the barbell like I should’ve. 


A – EMOM x 8

Back squat x 5 @ 205-215lbs

215 – this actually felt better than last weeks squat emom


AMRAP 5 min

1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 50lbs

*EMOM starting at 0 – 3 wall walks

56 – the snatch really started to tax me going back to the wall, I felt strong through the first 3 rounds of wall walks but the 4th kind of hit a little harder

(rest 5 min)

AMRAP 5 min

1-arm DB thrusters @ 50lbs (switch anytime)

*EMOM starting at 0 – 30 DU’s

56 – i didn’t feel great strength/stability wise with my left side, the thruster itself was “easy” other than stabilizing that left front rack position

(rest 5 min)

AMRAP 5 min

1-arm alternating DB devil press @ 50lbs

*EMOM starting at 0 – 4 ski erg cals

27 – i feel finding a rhythm in single arm DP is always a challenge

9/19 – OFF

Based on logistics of the weekend and saturday travel, i’m going to flip the double for saturday to friday, and hit the ski work early saturday morning before I hit the road


100 cal bike, start very easy and slowly build


Lightly loaded hollow rocks x 20 sec on, 40 sec off x 6

*light load held in hands overhead, keep good tension in midline and shoulders


Tucked handstand kickups into 15ft HSW, new set EMOM x 10

*kick up with knees bent and hips flexed, then once your weight shifts over your hands you can extend and walk


Ski erg1000m x6; rest 3:30

**2K+6 to start, increase pace each set if possible


(same OH/ER work)

Banded external rotation into OH press x 6 reps (keep ribcage depressed, do 2 full breath cycles in overhead position each rep, )KB overhead drops from dead bug positions x 6 reps (1 full breath cycle in extension each rep ), rest as needed x 3 sets

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