Monday 8/5/2024 – Wednesday 8/14/2024


EMOM x 8 (4 sets each)

Odd sets – 6 strict pullups

Even sets – 12 alternating shoulder taps from wall facing HS hold


EMOM x 10 (5 sets each)

Odd sets – 10 ring rows 

Even sets – 10 dbl DB bench press @ 50/hand (pause at top of each)


EMOM x 12 (6 sets each)

Odd sets – 10 supinated grip bent over rows

Even sets – 10 ring pushups

this was exactly what i needed today, everything felt good and strong after Summer Sizzler workouts


Band burnout series x 2 sets, rest as needed ( )

Face pulls x 8-10

BTN pulldowns x 8-10

Straight arm lat pulldowns x 8-10

DB lateral raises x 8-10

DB forward raises x 8-10

Band pull aparts with palms up x 8-10

Band pull aparts with palms down x 8-10

done and i like this burnout – fun


For time


AAR cals

Bike erg cals

rest 6 min x 2 sets

*first set at 85%, second set at 90%, so leave room to get faster on second set

For some reason I did not write my times down, but my second set was faster than my first….also due to some logistical and circumstantial issues had to pivot and go to gym with no AAR but used a ski erg so did the best calculation that the internet could come up with for road work. But even though i don’t remember times i remember paces on bike pretty vividly


Easy walking cooldown x 5 min


Down regulation breathing x 5 min


Shoulder prehab

A1 – BB javelin press x 6/side, rest 1 min

35-40x 3 was not able to press 45 with my left side today

A2 – 1-arm landmine meadows row with 4 sec negative on each rep x 5 reps/side, rest 1 min x 4 sets


B1 – 1-arm elbow on knee DB ext rotation x 8/side


B2 – Hinging ring rows x 5-6 reps for control

I used to love doing this and stil ldo

B3 – Half kneeling thoracic rotations against the wall x 5/side (pin a foam roller between front knee and wall – )

B4 – Table top plank hold with as much hip/shoulder extension as you can get x 30 sec ( like this but try to turn hands out OR backwards – )

rest as needed x 3 sets

C1 – Skin the cats on rings x 2-3 for slow control, rest 45 sec

C2 – Empty BB turkish situps x 4-5, rest 45 sec

C3 – BB rollouts from knees x 5-6, rest 90 sec x 4 sets

Skin the cats felt pretty good but stuck with 2’s – turkish sit ups are annoying

D – Prone scap swimmers x 30 sec continuous movement, rest 90 sec x 4 sets


Row Warm-up; 


Row Benchmark Test: 

Row 1:40 for max meters 

rest 20 seconds 


2291 – 1:49.1 ——-1:47—1:47.2—1:50.1—1:50.3—1:50.6—467–466–454–453–452

rest 2min, then: 

Row 1:40 for max meters 

rest 20 seconds 



So with a 1:49 average on the front end and a 1:51 on the back end i’m going to assume that my total average was about 1:50.????? – since i didn’t enter in both intervals with the rest time incluced

**you will perform 9 total sets – your goal is max meters. You are rowing for one minute and 40 seconds. Then, you will rest 20 seconds. Repeat this for 5 total sets before taking a 2min rest. At the end of the 2min break, you will then perform 4 sets of one minute and 40 seconds for max meters with a 20 second rest

8/8 – OFF


Had to do this saturday as I was not going to be able to a double saturday or have access to a rope on saturday so I switched the two and that might have made the ttb a little stiffer but everything else felt decent other than earlier than I like training

A – PC/PJ – 1 rep every 20 sec x 15 reps, 135-155lbs


B – Banded sumo deadlifts – 5×5, rest 2 min (155-175 on bar, med band)



Goal is sustainable pace throughout. Make your second set faster than your first set of each. 

500m Ski @ 2:00-2:04/500m


60 Sec AMRAP Strict HSPUs 15-18 (first 10 and 11 ub)

60 Sec AMRAP Double Unders 75-90

60 Sec AMRAP Toes to Bar 15-18

60 Sec AMRAP Shuttle Runs 7-7

60 Sec AMRAP Wall Balls 25-28

Rest 5 min

I felt really stiff and slow on the TTB, super happy about my hspu work today 

+ (Rest as needed) 

500m Row @ 2:00-2:04/500m


60 Sec AMRAP Single Arm KB Snatch @ 24kg (switch every 5) 17-20

60 Sec AMRAP Box Jump Overs @ 24in (must step down) 18-22

60 Sec AMRAP Bar Muscle Ups 6-8 – just really didn’t feel like hurting at this point this morning and was mentally tired

60 Sec AMRAP Shuttle Runs 6-7

60 Sec AMRAP Wall Balls 25-28



12 min AMRAP

2 RC’s 

25ft HSW 

8 DBL DB Box Step-overs @ 50/hand, 24in

25ft HSW

5+2 – one thing I wouldn’t have said a year ago was man I wanted a whole lot more rope climbs, those felt good, fast and descent felt really good. Hs walk first round was good, after that it fell apart, just breathing, and some wrist discomfort but thats more on what I can tolerate than anything. 


A – BB Bench press @ 41X1 tempo x 4 reps, rest 2 min x 5 sets

B1 – 1-arm banded DB bent over row x 8/arm, rest 1 min

B2 – Dbl DB squeeze press x 10, rest 1 min x 3 sets 

C1 – Strict rope pullups x 6-8 (switch top hand at halfway), rest 1 min

C2 – Piked strict HSPU x 4-6, rest 1 min x 4 sets (feet on box, hips above hands, hands can go on DB’s/parallettes – )

D – Single DB overhead tricep extensions x 50 for time @ 35lbs (big sets!)


8/11 – OFF


Half kneeling thoracic flow x 3 sets

5 reps/side of (overhead half moon with arm closest to wall + horizontal windmill with arm away from wall) ( )

30 sec of foam rolling upper back , keep rib cage down during to isolate t spine

I like this


A – Parallette shoot through skill work 6-8 min (progressive intensity as you go, work towards tucked/extended V-sit to controlled tucked planche – )

This was fun

B1 – Band assisted tuck planche x 15 sec (active protraction, get a good lean forward), rest 45 sec ( )

Did the first set on paralletes and man it is so much harder on the ground

B2 – Tucked back lever on rings x 15 sec, rest 1:45 x 5 sets

I think with a back lever your hands are supposed to be facing the ground? I just did not trust myself there

C – Piked parallette HSPU x 6, rest 2 min x 4 sets (set a target for head to hit bt parallettes, make it challenging depth for this rep range. get as vertically stacked as you can)

2 abmats

D – BB OHS @ 32X1 tempo x 3 reps, new set every 2 min x 4

145 – just feel weak in my shoulder 


For time

15 strict ring dips

20 kipping ring dips

25 ring pushups

30 hand release pushups

7:00***** with a strong asterisk – i wanted to see if i could do the first 15 strict ring dips unbroken and then see what would happen after that, and I did and it felt pretty good, but the asterisk came in the ring push ups when the strap started slipping so i adjusted it once and just had to switch rings so that cost me a lot of time. 


Not for time – 20 1-arm alternating TGU @ 35lbs



For time


AAR cals

Bike erg cals

rest 8 min x 2 sets

*lets try to mimic the paces from last week here

Because of last week having to run outside i opted for that to keep paces similar and distance as close to equivalent as possible and had a homie jump in with me.. The only place that i fell off this week was pacing on the bike because we got 2 brand new bike ergs, and they were fresh out the box today. 13:10 & 12:49 – distances ran were 475-400–300–225


Easy walking cooldown x 5 min


Down regulation breathing x 5 min


Shoulder prehab (same)

A1 – BB javelin press x 6/side, rest 1 min


A2 – 1-arm landmine meadows row with 4 sec negative on each rep x 5 reps/side, rest 1 min x 4 sets


B1 – 1-arm elbow on knee DB ext rotation x 8/side


B2 – Hinging ring rows x 5-6 reps for control

B3 – Half kneeling thoracic rotations against the wall x 5/side (pin a foam roller between front knee and wall – )

B4 – Table top plank hold with as much hip/shoulder extension as you can get x 30 sec ( like this but try to turn hands out OR backwards – )

rest as needed x 3 sets

C1 – Skin the cats on rings x 2-3 for slow control, rest 45 sec

C2 – Empty BB turkish situps x 4-5, rest 45 sec

C3 – BB rollouts from knees x 5-6, rest 90 sec x 4 sets
Same as last week but rollouts felt much stronger

D – Prone scap swimmers x 30 sec continuous movement, rest 90 sec x 4 sets


Row Warm-up; 


Row 1:40 @ 1-2 sec per 500m faster than avg pace from test 

rest 20 seconds 


rest 2min, then: 

Row 1:40 @ 1-2 sec per 500m faster than avg pace from test

rest 20 seconds 


rest 3min, then: 

Row 1:40 @ 1-2 sec per 500m faster than avg pace from test

rest 20 seconds 


rest 3min, then: 

Row 1:40 @ 8-10 sec SLOWER per 500m than avg pace from test 

rest 20 seconds 


1:48.4 average for all 12 sets – total distance – 5530 meters – man this was a grind to stay fighting for that pace but felt pretty good after 

**you will perform 12 total sets this week. The last three sets of intervals should be at a slower effort, while your first three should be at a faster effort than last week”

8/15 – OFF 

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