Monday 7/29/2024 – Wednesday 7/31/2024


I was really pressed for time today so that effected my overall time available to warm up longer to hit some bigger lifts. 

Thoracic prep (your choice from drills that have worked best)


Shoulder strength (same)

Support pike slide 3 sets of 3-4 reps – , try to get feet to ‘float’ at the top

Parallettes on boxes pike raise 3 sets of 3-4 reps – , press down HARD and try to elevated hips as high as you can

Straddle tripod to headstand with controlled toe touches 3 sets of 3-4 reps

*for these, do them right up against a wall so that you have it there to catch you if you go too far forward 

All the gymnastics shoulder strength felt really really strong today and is still so much fun. I love the challenge of them


A – Split jerk recovery from high blocks/pins x 1.1.1 with a 3 sec overhead hold after the recovery of each rep, rest 10-12 sec bt reps, rest 3 min bt sets x 4 sets

225-240×2-245 – when setting up the jerk blocks I left off one block on the top on accident so it was a big recovery, which was kind of exciting because no shoulder issue, it also felt like an aggressive strength piece. 

B – Clean and jerks – 2 reps (completed in 35 sec or less), rest 3 min x 3

235 – clean did not feel strong today at all, power jerked the first rep on each set, but the 2nd rep was a grind as something felt off on my dip….it could have been technical but it could also have been feeling like I was against time available too which gave me a little bit of anxiety. 

C – Clean and jerk x 3 strong singles, rest 3 min

245 – just did not feel strong, front rack didn’t feel great and jerk drive didn’t feel great either.

D – Back rack split squat drop set

6 reps/leg, rest 60 sec

12 reps/leg, rest 60 sec

18 reps/leg, rest 3 min x 3 sets

I was really pressed for time so after doing the first set I had to drop weight or else I wouldn’t have gotten the volume in 145/95/75 – 115-75/45 x 2 sets


Snatch grip OH carry x 120ft, rest 3 min x 4 sets

(banded KB’s hanging from bar, work on stabilization/strength here)

Unable to complete today


Hypoxic drills x 6 sets

Gentle nose breathing x 4-5 cycles, end on a small gentle breath in and small gentle breath out, then pinch nose.

rest 2 min bt sets, record number of paces you are able to cover each set, and notes on the ‘feel’

27–24–21–32–28–33 – was a little over the place today but still about the 17th pace is when I feel that funkiness


6 sets, new set every 5 min

Sets 1,4 – 24 burpees to touch bar + Ski 20 cals  2:20 — 2:27

Sets 2,5 – 24 burpees to touch bar + Echo 23 cals 2:34 — 2:46

Sets 3,6 – 24 burpees to touch bar + Row 26 cals 2:35 — 2:59

Thank you for getting the math right and I can’t wait to see what next weeks progression has in store. Burpees felt good on the front end, and I did all jumps back and up, no stepping so I was pretty happy with just being uncomfortable when those got hard. 


Low box hamstring bridge with very slight bend in knee x 10/side, rest as needed x 4 sets/side

7/31 (snatch touch, but lets stay lighter until we’re sure of shoulder)

Burgener snatch warmup (3 reps/movement, first set with training bar and second set with 20kg bar)


A – EMOM x 6 (Power snatch x 1/BTN sn grip push jerk x 2)

*start at 115 and build every 2 sets


B – OHS x 3 reps, rest 3 min x 5 sets (active tension throughout)

115-125-135-155-175 – i know your notes say stay lighter, but 135 felt GREAT and I wanted to see how it felt. Felt stronger and more stable than last week, still not 100% healthy but barbell work in general seems to be less of an issue than some of the gymnastics positions.


EMOM x 10

Odd – 8-10 chest to bar pullups

Even – 10-12 kipping HSPU

10 on ctb and kipping hspu felt really off today. Hit 12 every round but my timing or position was off.


EMOM x 10

Odd – 8-10 toes to bar

Even – 50ft HSW

I called it at 8 sets, the shoulder was doing ok just thought it was time to call it. Also my wrist was having a funky kind of day and the hs walk started irritating it which also played a role. CTB is probably a 1 out of 10 on a pain scale, it’s there but not a problem, and the TTB is probably a 2, more noticeable and could push through if I had to


Run 800m @ 5k effort

new set every 7 min x 4

4:15–4:10–4:09–4:04 – it felt like i was running uphill the hole time today, also hit this one outside on the street so there was a little anxiety with drivers that I do not trust, but pace felt a little slow from where I would like to be but I am hoping to get some more run work in because I like that distance and want to get more comfortable pushing that a little bit

8/1 – OFF

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