Monday 7/22/2024 – Wednesday 7/24/2024


Thoracic prep (your choice from drills that have worked best)


Shoulder strength

Support pike slide 3 sets of 3-4 reps – , try to get feet to ‘float’ at the top

Parallettes on boxes pike raise 3 sets of 3-4 reps – , press down HARD and try to elevated hips as high as you can

Straddle tripod to headstand with controlled toe touches 3 sets of 3-4 reps

*for these, do them right up against a wall so that you have it there to catch you if you go too far forward

much better here than last week and still super fun


A – Split jerk recovery from high blocks/pins x, rest 10 sec bt reps, rest 3 min bt sets x 4 sets

165-195-215-235 – smart conservative build. Only last set was rough 

B – Clean and jerks – 3 reps (completed in 40 sec or less), rest 3 min x 2

205 – was a little worried with power jerk but it actually turned out ok. Front rack position felt pretty stiff rough 

C – Clean and jerks – 2 reps (completed in 30 sec or less), rest 3 min x 2

225 – felt heavier than it should’ve but was also very cautious 

D – Back rack split squat drop set

5 reps/leg, rest 60 sec

10 reps/leg, rest 60 sec

15 reps/leg, rest 3 min x 3 sets

155/105/75×2—-145/95/65 this was worse than most conditioning we’ve done lately 


Snatch grip OH carry x 100ft, rest 3 min x 4 sets

(banded KB’s hanging from bar, work on stabilization/strength here)

w/26’s – and holy cow that was hard


Hypoxic drills x 6 sets

Gentle nose breathing x 4-5 cycles, end on a small gentle breath in and small gentle breath out, then pinch nose.

rest 2 min bt sets, record number of paces you are able to cover each set, and notes on the ‘feel’

21–25–21–27–24–27 – it was around step 17 that the discomfort would start to be felt, i would do better on the ones that I was really mentally prepared to endure. I also didn’t think this was to fight too too much through the “hunger” to breath


6 sets, new set every 4 min

Sets 1,4,7 – Ski 20 cals + 18 burpees to touch pullup bar

2:09 — 2:17 — 2:29

Sets 2,5,8 – Echo 23 cals + 18 burpees to touch pullup bar

2:15 — 2:22 — 2:34

Sets 3,6,9 – Row 26 cals + 18 burpees to touch pullup bar

2:27 — 2:38 — 2:56

not sure about your guerilla math here and how 6 sets turns into a 9th set…..I thought I could go ahead and go for it, there was definitely some drop off in the 7,8, & 9


Low box hamstring bridge with very slight bend in knee x 8/side, rest as needed x 4 sets/side


7/24 (snatch touch, but lets stay lighter until we’re sure of shoulder)

Burgener snatch warmup (3 reps/movement, first set with training bar and second set with 20kg bar)


A – EMOM x 8 (Power snatch x 1/Hang power snatch x 1/BTN sn grip push jerk x 1)

*start at 95 and build every 2 sets

95-105-115-135 – after the first 2 sets the shoulder felt really warm in this position. It’s really weird, because all the pain/discomfort is below a 2 and it’s not really painful, it feels unstable, hard to fire and maybe a little weak.

B – OHS x 3 reps, rest 2-3 min x 4 sets (active tension throughout)

135-155 – 155 might have been a bit heavy but I also went with a more narrow grip which didn’t cause any pain, the more snatch grip position was slightly uncomfortable


For time

1km run

50 WB (14 to 9)

40 toes to bar

30 dbl DB box step overs (50/hand, 24in)

100ft HSW

18:31 – run done on the air runner, wall ball to 9ft with 14lb almost felt like cheating. TTB had some low level, (3) pain and it only hurt in the arch swing….so i went really conservative here when i felt that. Nothing that i was majorly worried but enough that I wasn’t ready to attack in bigger sets or small sets with really short breaks. I knew step overs would blow up my traps so I tried to be smart here going into the hs walk. For the hs walk, the 50ft were conservative and I attacked the last 50ft with a much shorter rest.

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