Done June 6/29/24

Day 1

100 cal echo, progressive intensity, faster every 30 cals, open it up last 10



Positional breathing from Piked HSPU position (toes on box, hips above shoulders). do 7 breath cycles with arms extended, and 7 breath cycles with head on ground. rest as needed x 3 sets


Positional breathing from quadruped position (hands below shoulders, knees below hips). push through ground to protract scaps, breathe in through belly and mid to upper back, 360 degree expansion. 7 breath cycles, rock hips back to heels slowly with each breath, rest as needed x 3 sets


1-arm thoracic bridge flow on ground (bear position to 1-arm bridge and back, move deliberately and controlled with breathing at end ranges) x 10 alternating reps, rest as needed x 3 sets


Piked HS walk 180 degrees + 8 piked HSPU with hips above hands (2 breaths/rep) + 16 alternating shoulder taps from piked HS + Piked HS walk 180 degrees back, slow spin on bike with ful inhale/exhale as active recovery x 3 sets


Elevated band pull aparts with distraction x 6-8 (keep rib cage down and lats active – )

Landmine pivot press x 6/side, finish rep with protraction/elevation ( ), rest as needed x 4 sets


100 cal echo, progressive intensity, faster every 30 cals, finish overall faster than the warmup


Day 2

Every 3 min x 4-5 sets

13 cal row

13 bar facing burpees

1:12–1:11–1:09—1:13—1:11 – from 2 weeks ago as the 13/13….

1:16—1:14-–1:08-–1:08—1:08 – from today with the 14/14 progression


Rest 10 min while you accumulate 90 sec of face up GHD plank hold



Every 3 min x 4-5 sets

13 cal row

13 bar facing burpees



Day 3

Power snatch x 1/Hang Power snatch x 1, rest 30 sec

Squat snatch x 1/Hang squat snatch x 1, rest 3 min x 5 sets



Strict press – 6,6,4,4,2,10. rest 3 min

*heavier with each set down to the 2, then take some load off and grind for a hard set of 10


+ (rest as needed)

5 rounds, new round every 2:30 min

12 chest to bar pullups

8 dbl DB box step overs @ 50lbs/hand

12 dbl DB push press @ 50lbs/hand

1:10—1:06—1:22—1:09—1:18 – took an extra minute of rest after the 3rd. The biggest limiter was my triceps feeling smoked from the burpee yesterday. Felt it was so much fatiguing work to grind through those 12 UB. Broke up the step overs a few times to see if it helped my cycle efficiency on PP

+ (rest as needed)

Single leg GHD hip extensions x 4-6/side into 4-6 full ROM GHD raises, rest as needed x 4 sets



Goblet hold lunge matrix x 3/variation/leg, rest 45 sec bt legs x 3 sets


Day 4

5-6 min easy bike erg


2 sets, second a little faster than first

20 sec echo bike, rest 40

20 sec row, rest 40 

20 sec ski, rest 40


EMOM x 40 (10 rounds)

1 – AMRAP 50 sec echo bike cals

2 – AMRAP 50 sec row cals

3 – AMRAP 50 sec ski cals

4 – Rest

*target – same paces as last week, more work less rest

I did do this last week but I went ahead and ran it back as i did last week – i hit 14’s – much easier to hit the targets this week but the row felt like it was a higher RPE


200m backwards walk cooldown

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