Wednesday 4/3/2024

Thorough warmup


For time (20 min cap)

3 rounds of (50ft farmer carry walking lunge + 20 toes to bar)


2 rounds of (50ft front rack walking lunge + 15 chest to bar)


1 round of (50ft overhead walking lunge + 10 bar mu)

*dbl DB’s @ 50lbs/hand

AGQF workout from last year, prep well and come up with a plan that will keep momentum but get you to that last couplet with the ability to push

14:20 – might have been a little too conservative on the first couplet, but I was afraid of the lat fatigue. I did lose rhythm on my c2b and do not remember my splits there….my splits were where i planned for the first couplet. Second couplet i broke the lunges on the first set because i was afraid of my biceps blowing up but didn’t break the 2nd one, just thought i was going to be ok, but the rhythm went from goal of 8/7 on c2b and on the 2nd set ended up having to adjust to 8/1/2/4. BMU was 3-3-4, originally on the set of 4 I was going to do 2/2 with really short breaks but I said to myself bigger kip and you could do it. If this was a QF this year, i would be able to make some major advancements with tightening up breaks and a little more confidence then i had today in the pullers.

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