Friday 1/14/2022 – Tuesday 1/18/2022

1/14 (intensity, shorter)

Echo 30 cal buy in, into

3-6-9 reps of

Ring MU

Power snatches @ 135lbs


Echo 30 cal cash out

9:18 – rmu felt pretty good today, but there was one point that I should’ve really pushed to see what would happen but I just didn’t and internally looked for excuses. Snatch cycling felt better than normal. At 135 i normally don’t stay as connected to the bar as I did today so that was a win, took more of a chunk strategy in the 9, where i did 5 staying on top, then a slightly longer rest and 4. This is one of those times where I habitually rest a bit too much for the last rep but did not today. I think my splits on the bike were 1:22 and 1:45


(rest 8-10 min)


Ski 20 cal buy in, into

60 burpees to 12in touch (switch directions at 30)


Ski 20 cal cash out

7:12 – rowed 25 cals instead of the 20 planned for ski. My goal was to maintain 15 reps a minute and was probably closer to 13/14 a minute on average so was pretty happy with that. The last row the monitor wouldn’t turn on fast enough so that cost me. Just some things to learn when using new equipment and location


tttTD (old open workout)

Opted for a partner workout and accumulated about 75 strict hspu – all in sets of 6 and felt pretty good. 

(rest 10-15 min)

Squat snatch from blocks – accumulate 12 reps @ strong loading for the day, minimal misses if any, around 80-85% ‘feel’

Kept at 175 – no misses – since deadlifts were in my conditioning it was nice to come off some blocks but since i used plates for blocks I also didn’t want to push it too much


BTN split jerk – 1 rep every 45 sec x 10 @ 80-84%

Went 185 since I accumulated so much volume in the shspu, just didn’t want to overdue it


Front squat – 1 strong rep every 90 sec x 6

225 – should’ve gone more – but was getting mentally tired at this point and was needing to wrap it up

1/16 – OFF

1/17 (compete overlap)

A. Rogue Bella Complex – In 4 working sets, find a tough complex of:

1 Clean + 1 Shoulder to Overhead + 1 Front Squat + 1 Shoulder to Overhead

255 – missed 260 on the first shoulder to overhead – but 255 was originally my plan for my last lift but the 2nd load at 240 felt so good I jumped to it right after that


B. OHS @ 2111: 7,5,3; rest 2-3 min – heavier each set, stick to tempo

Because of the concentric tempo goal of 1 second I assumed that pusing that loading would take away from the goal of the tempo here so loading was – 155 – 175 – 195


3 Sets:

6min EMOM:

Odd: 2 Rope Climbs

Even: 4 Squat Clean Thrusters @ 165/110lbs

rest 3-4min bw sets

So the top of the rope/ceiling was even lower than I thought so didn’t not get good work in here, I did a bunch of initial pull pracitce as the ceiling is only 11 feet (10’11” to be exact) so after 1 emom set was just a little irritated at this issue, the rope was also so slick setting the clamp was tough. There is a local gym that I will reach out to that has ropes if needed in the open or the next stage but for now just going to have to try and accumulate some work on clamps, holds and pulls. 


Echo 100 cal progressive intensity warmup


Echo 75 sec @ 350+ watts

60 sec rest x 8 or until you can no longer hold pace

if successful on all 8 sets above

Echo 75 sec @ 350+ watts

30 sec rest x 6 or until you can no longer hold pace

if successful on all 6 sets above

Echo 75 sec @ 350+ watts

15 sec rest x 4 or until you can no longer hold pace

Successfully completed. Once again, I felt way more dialed in as the rest got shorter and when you really get into the intervals with 15sec rest, you are so close to being done that you just have to mentally push through. In the 30sec rest intervals, I was holding the higher wattage for a bit longer and just felt really good on this today.

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