1/10/2022 – 1/12/2022

1/10/2022 (compete overlap)

A. OHS – from the floor: 15,10,5; rest 3 min b/t sets – increase load each set to a tough 5 for the day, not a 5RM

165-185-205 – i think i could have done more on the 15 and 10 but not on the 5.


2 sets:

B1. KB Goblet Cossack Squats: 5 reps/side – slow & controlled

B2. Band Assisted Sissy Squats: 7 reps

B3. Knee Over Toe Calf Raises: 9 reps/side – strong focus on squeeze at top

Rest 30-60 b/t each

Good stuff today


10min AMRAP

15 WB @ 20lbs

15 Pull-ups

20 cals Row

…into…(no rest)

10min AMRAP

15 WB @ 30lbs

15 CTB

20cals Row

*if you’re in the middle of a WB set at the 10min mark, immediately switch to the heavier ball

…within 5 minutes of finishing

Every 3 min x 3-4 sets:

1 Complex of: 1 Deadlift + 1 Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1 S2O @ 80-85% of last weeks tough weight (but go more off of RPE here since we missed it last week)

4 rounds for the first 10 and 3 rounds for the 2nd – I broke everything up with the goal of “conserving enough so i could keep the row in the 1300’s. The first 10 minutes my plan/goal was successful as I spent most of the time on the erg in 1300, there was some small dips but for the most part plan successful. Rookie mistake in getting the rower started in the very first round and it cost me a valuable 10-15 seconds. I finished round 4 with about 3 seconds left so i didn’t have to stop the 20 and go to the 30. In the 30 I took 3 sets most rounds and as I got really tired I broke a round or 2 into 4 sets, just to take some tension off and try to not let the ball settle. Not completely successful there but wasn’t long on most sets. Also made a push that might have cost me some energy on the first row in the 2nd 10 minute were I really pushed for the 1300 pace and I probably fought a little more just for that principle instead of continuing to go hard but not forcing the effort. On the complex I did 165-195-205-225 – I had to squat the hang clean at the 225, i really did not want to have to squat at all after all of that, my jerk wasn’t clean but I got it so that was a decent way to finish the day


AB 100 cal progressive intensity warmup


AB 60 sec @ 400+ watts

60 sec rest x 8 or until you can no longer hold pace

if successful on all 8 sets above

AB 60 sec @ 400+ watts

30 sec rest x 6 or until you can no longer hold pace

if successful on all 6 sets above

AB 60 sec @ 400+ watts

15 sec rest x 4 or until you can no longer hold pace

Echo bike – 355 was minimum – only dropped below that on about 4 seconds of time over the course of the 18 sets and that was mostly because i wasn’t looking at the monitor. After clearance from you that 350 on echo was target every minute interval I wanted to try and stay around 383 watts, and that lasted for about 25 seconds or so and then hovered bt the 360 range give/take. Ironically enough would love to know a little more detail on something. My output was higher when I had the shorter rest, is this primarily mental? Just the hey, no more f-ing around, take care of business and lets go. On the15sec intervals, I kept the target range where I needed to but it did take a second or 2 longer to get into range, id say by 5-6 seconds monitor resembled the effort where i was supposed to be. 


A – KB’s hanging from bands strict press lockouts from eye level x 5 reps @ 3112 tempo, rest 2 min x 5 sets

Had to go to globo gym side as on the “functional fitness side” the J-hooks could not be attached high enough to be set up for eye level but over their, there was only plates and no kb’s – 4 working sets @ 40/side – first set was 25’s/side

B – Clean grip deadlifts 8,8,5,5. tough, rest 3 min

275-295-315-3456 (i went for it and it was a legit 4 reps and on the 5th set I felt grip loosen, i controlled it to the ground, never let go of the bar, kept a little tension and had a semi readjustment. So wasn’t’ touch and go for 5 reps


For time:

40 thrusters 95lbs

40 TTB

30 back squat 95lbs

30 CTB pull ups

20 power clean and jerk 95lbs

20 bar muscle ups

17:02 – was a little bummed with this effort and it happened from the start but I didn’t let that get me down, there are some good take aways but overall I need to do better. My plan from the onset was knowing that the success would be on the bmi, so i wanted to set myself up for success by taking small sets all the way, makinig the workout look like cyclical work. Goal was to do 7 thrusters and start a new set every 19/20 seconds, which would give me anywhere from 6-8 seconds each set, was good with this until 21 and just didn’t feel confident with that set and recovery. TTB was same mini breaks and wanted to do 5.5 rest 5sec/10sec and did this to 20 and just lost some things. Back squat didn’t want to get roped in to doing 2 big sets but in hindsight i really should have here. C2b did 7’s but didn’t have the killer instinct. The pc&j is normally where I struggle but this was a confidence builder for me, I wanted to do 40sec on continuous work and 20sec of rest, and even if I didn’t have a super fast cycle time I wanted to stay on top of the barbell for that 40sec. The bmi, the main thing i remember is telling myself I don’t care if you only get 2, you have to go in “10 sec”…..and i missed rep 20, and then rushed to finish the 20th rep again and missed it too, the misses were mental and got lazy on the 20th, like i got this and “time” and then i missed. So rested longer than i needed to to actually finish because i did not want to miss another.

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