Dryland Prep
*set a 15min timer to get your body prepped and ready to swim
*dryland follow-along:
Was harder to go through some of this early this morning as the neck wasn’t quite ready to give up some movement quality yet
Water Prep
200 Swim, continuous, building smooth –> cruise
GOLF Baseline Testing
Every 90sec x 10 sets
50 Swim @ strong pace
*GOLF = stroke count + time (i.e. 30 strokes + 35sec = 65)
Keep in mind there are 3 ways to improve and all of them are indicative of improved swimming metrics:
(a) swim faster, same stroke counts (more speed)
(b) swim same time, lower stroke count (more efficient)
(c) swim faster, and lower stroke count (faster & more efficient — the unicorn 😉
NOTE: Record your LOWEST score and take note of your average for future use
Today was a good day for some efficiency stuff. I forgot my watch for more accurate timing metrics but today my times were slightly slower than they have been in the past, but my average strokes (when i could actually count them and not feel overwhelmed with all the other things to focus on) was down, breathing efficiency and mechanics were much improved. Average times were 20ish on the 25 and then slowed down coming back to finish the 25 but a little more confident.
Rest to full recovery
Kick Testing
100y Kick time trial w/ board
Actually moved this first in the day because some of the back end stuff on swimming days has just as much important value and i often miss it because of pool time restrictions. But a couple of bad planning on my part is i left my watch at home and the pool clock is not digital so it’s hard to see when i got about the 100y mark, but it was in the ball park of 3 minutes. It also gave me the feeling based on this and the social kick work that i need to spend a lot of time kicking.
10min “social kick” w/ board (social kick = casual, conversational pace)
*building leg / kicking aerobic capacity is important for longer swims – the more we develop your ability to shuttle lactate from your upper-body into the legs to use as fuel, the better your endurance will be in the water
Got about 7 minutes in
PM (strongman/odd object)
For times
20 1-arm alternating DB power snatches @ 100lbs
Rest 3 min
20 dball squat cleans @ 100lbs
Rest 3 min
20 sandbag ground over shoulder @ 150lbs
Rest 3 min
20 BBJO @ 40in
2:26-2:31-2:44-2:14 – only have access to a 95 pound db, but i was very pleased with how well i moved that. I wasn’t as confident in the beginning but i found a groove in the rep ranges of 6-13 or so, left arm is way easier to turnover and pull under. 1 missed rep on right hand and it was more of a mental F-up then anything. Dball sqaut cleans took way more out of my legs then i expected, ball got sweaty and that added a difficulty element to it. When i popped the hip good enough and received it high on my shoulder those were smooth and easy. But if i had to kind of front rack/bear hug and bottom out in the squat that made it a little more difficult. Sandbag over shoulder hurt the most and then had 10 bbjo over at the 58 sec mark but then the fatigue was more in my chest where i was trying to really press up and over the box, i just used the blocks that we used the other day and they are set at 42”