1min Ski
1min Run
1min Bike
1min Row
x3 @ easy effort with full inhale/exhale on each breath – focusing on deep diaphragmatic breaths
Done – used concept 2 bike as was easier in the room set up with the cardio equipment
28min Clock:
60sec AB / Row / Ski @ easy recovery pace
60sec Gait Flow (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QpdeWCpn7s)
This is now one of my favorite flow pieces we’ve done
60sec AB / Row / Ski @ easy recovery pace
60sec Animal Crawling (https://www.youtube.com/watch?index=8&list=PLVR7OsPPPm0ruXEMQes197ymqzmAQF0tz&v=6pB3o_ghK4g)
tttTD (6 min AMRAP)
2+12 – the burpee box jump over was what just ate my lunch here. The first round was pretty consistent. First round took me about 1:40/2min – ball park ish, but the second round the jump to 30” I feel took every ounce of energy I had, I kept trying to stay positive with this and not give in to negative self talk here and keep moving. Starting the 3rd round I knew I didn’t have much time but I decided that I was going to push as hard as I could on the bbxjo – as soon as I finished the overhead squat I went into the burpee to get after it and my shin clipped the box on the very first jump and I ate it pretty hard with a nice tumble that can only be reviewed in my memory (thank goodness). I still found a way to finish that round of burpee.
A – Accumulate 20 wall walks with 5 sec hold at the top of each rep, not for time
Almost harder than the throwdown thank goodness it wasn’t for time
B – Accumulate 30 ring pullups with controlled negative, break as needed
Did this at home so had to be creative with setting my rings up from the pull up bar and had to tuck my knees
C – Accumulate 40 parallette shoot through reps (1 rep = shoot legs forward into reverse plank + bring legs back into front plank, try to push ‘down’ on handles to elevated body as you go front to back)
Started getting a little sloppy and had a hard time maintaining peak compression in multiple reps
D – Accumulate 50 alternating pistols for quality
E – Accumulate 60 sec parallette L-sit in as few sets as possible, rest as needed
3/1 – OFF
On an 18 min clock
3 rounds for time
15 deadlifts @ 225lbs
30 wallballs
90 DU’s
with remaining time
Find a 1RM snatch
10:50 – 185 – tried to find a legit effort of pushing the 3 rounds and not gaming it for the snatch but gaming it to minimize rest breaks and maximize efficiency and overall time. Today double unders were really elevating my heart rate, pretty sure I wasn’t holding my breath. Broke everything up, but goal was to break and keep short short breaks, either stay on top of the barbell or stay on top of the ball. 1st round was great at this, 2nd round was so so, and 3rd round was better than the 2nd round overall even though I should’ve just brought it home to finish. I made a jump from 185 to 205 for the snatch, I knew in my head that I should’ve gone to 195 but just went for it. Got 5 lifts in, wasn’t sure how the first one would go down, made small jumps in the beginning and then the more aggressive jump, but should have just made a couple of those “bigger” jumps bt set 2 & 3