50 min around the world, @ or just above conversation effort, sweaty but sustainable, smooth transitions from station to station
20 cal bike
20 cal row
20 cal ski
400m jog
About 25-30 minutes class starting using all the rowers, so I was stuck to cycle through running more 🙁 and I lost count of how many times I went through. But this felt pretty good to just zone out.
15 min hip/hamstring circuit
Sliding lunge series (foot on slider, reverse lunge/cossack lunge/crossunder lunge x 2-3/variation/side)
Split squats with banded pallof hold x 6-8/side
External rotation lift offs from shin box x 5-6/side
Internal rotation lift offs from shin box x 3-4/side
Reverse leg lifts from prone on bench with mini band around ankles x 12-15