Saturday- 9/5/2015 – TTT 


35 min bike @ Z1, off bike every 5 min to do locomotion work (duck walk, horse walk, lizard walk, ostrich walk, bear crawl, etc)


A – Clean grip deadlift – 1 rep every 20 sec @ 285lbs x 25
Felt good here. The tempo the past couple of weeks I have felt weak with the clean grip but today felt quick and the way 285 should feel.


B – 6 rounds @ 90%

8 Power Clean singles @ 155lbs

8 Toes to bar

24 Du’s
Tried to remember round for round timing but lost it 1:27 – 3:20 – 5:01 found a good rhythm at this point with the cleans, getting set up to pull before the bar settled.

directly into

Air bike 50 cals for time (get faster as you go, empty the tank at the end)

Pretty pissed off here. 25 calories in (@ 1:23) was picking up my pace with a goal to hold 500+ watts before I was going to make the final push after that and the chain came off the air bike and the monitor stopped working.

Was nervous but ready to lay it all on the line for this challenge.

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