Monday 3/3/2025 – Wednesday 3/5/2025


A – Clean pull x 1/Hang squat clean x 1/Shoulder to overhead x 1 – new complex every 2 min x 6 

*80-85% EFFORT for the day

205 x 3 – 225 x 3 – neck felt great and 225 actually felt better than the 205 – very happy with how this felt

B1 – Dbl DB bench press x 8-10 @ 55-60lbs/hand, rest 1 min

60’s for 10

B2 – Rope climbs x 3 reps for smooth speed, rest 2 min x 3 sets

With no 15ft access i opted to do 3 sets of 3/rope pull up + 3 rope pull up + 2 – each one of those I went up the rope, i didn’t come down and reset and that was pretty freaking hard. 


For time, working 60 sec on and 60 sec off until all work is completed

20 power snatches @ 115lbs

25 toes to bar

20 PC/PJ @ 115lbs

25 toes to bar

20 front squats @ 115lbs

10:07 – this is including rest – my goal was to push the pace on the TTB, big sets and small rests….first one I got 7 reps in before the rest and then went for 18 UB and the second set – i remember the rep scheme but don’t remember within the minute interval – but i did 15/5/5 and i think the last 5 were in the next minute – the 20 front squats, i knew i wasn’t going to get all 20- in the remaining time, i still pushed but didn’t set out


TTT endurance running warmup

5 min bike nasal breathing only 


2-3x through 

5 walking knee hugs 

5 open the gates 

5 close the gates 

5 walking hamstring scoops 

5 front to back leg swings 

5 side to side leg swings 


2-3x through 

25 foot high knees 

25 foot butt kicks 

25 foot side shuffle/side 

25 foot carioca/side 


10 minute run easy 

* at minute 2,4,6,8 burst for 20 sec, progressing in speed with each set 


10 x 100m run at 1 mile effort, :20 walk 

rest 3:00

x 3 

The wind was BRUTAL……did this on the football field again so did 110 yards which is just over 100m…avg times were 24-26 seconds, running into the brutal head winds, i tried not to over fight for that same pace.


10 minute run easy


Snatch Overhead primer

A1 – Banded ATYT with CO sym bands x 6

A2 – Banded snow angels with CO sym bands x 8

A3 – Banded face pulls into external rotation and overhead press x 10

A4 – BTN sots press with training bar/empty bar x 5-6 with 1 sec hold overhead each rep

B1 – Squat snatch x 5 reps @ 135lbs, rest 30 sec

B2 – Squat snatch x 3 reps @ 155lbs, rest 30 sec

B3 – Squat snatch x 1 rep @ 185lbs, rest 3 min x 3 sets

I had 6 attempts at 185 to get the 3 reps, overhead position felt like it was a little off and not stable. The pull felt great on most except one, it just felt like i was outside of my margin of error in my overhead position. I have been trying to really improve my thoracic rotation so not sure if this is throwing off that overhead position or if my bar path is just really off. I also had a lot on my mind today that occasionally got in my head and lost a little focus.


EMOM x 16 (4 times through)

1. 6 Power Snatch @ 95lbs + 9 chest to bar

2. 9 chest to bar / 6 Thrusters @ 95lbs

3. 15 cal Echo

4. Walking rest

This is the exact gut punch i needed today, one i stopped thinking, also it was really freaking hard. I was very excited about how my CTB felt, i feel we haven’t got a ton of volume there the past cycle or two and i felt my rhythm was pretty good, i only dropped to 7 on the last round of the power snatch CTB combo as I completely lost my rhythm and didn’t want to go to singles just to complete the 9 outside of that hit all numbers

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