Monday and Tuesday 2/3/2025 – 2/4/2025


A1 – Sandbag ground to shoulder x 5 reps @ 150lbs, rest 30 sec

A2 – Sandbag on shoulder squats x 10 reps @ 150lbs, rest 3 min x 3 sets

I tried doing one set on my non dominant shoulder and i was not a fan at all


Thorough gait prep


3 sets

Dbl KB farmer carry 60m @ 32-40kg/hand

Sandbag bear hug/shoulder carry 60m @ 150lbs

600m outdoor run

rest 3 min bt sets

7:08—7:18—8:45 – the bear hug smoked me on the last set, I did 15m turnarounds and had hit a wall…..runs had a turnaround and they were uphill both ways ;-)…60m was not cool, thats 5 more yards than than we will be going on saturday but I was up for the challenge and cussing you at the same time. I will have to look at run splits but I know they started at 8+ and of course as soon as I got my sea legs under me tried to dig in. Really pushed the last one to get close to finishing near 7 minute mile since I knew I lost so much time on the bear hug carry


Bike erg 6 min easy


A – Hip strength series x 2 sets

Side lying internally rotated abduction x 5/side with pause at top of each –

Glute med wall lean x 20 sec/side for activation of grounded leg –

Balance assisted shrimp squats x 5/side for control –

Half kneeling adductor dips x 5 reps/side at slow tempo


Bike erg 6 min, slightly faster than warmup


B – Shoulder prehab x 2 sets

Prone scap swimmers x 8-10

BB rollouts from tall kneeling through controlled ROM x 5-6

KB high windmills x 3/side, slow and steady

Bottoms up KB OH carry x 50ft/side


Bike erg 6 min @ stronger effort than middle round, get sweaty here

120 cals – kept in the range of 1200


C – Midline x 3 sets

3 strict toes to bar

6 kipping toes to bar

9 banded reverse squats from supine

12 sec hollow body hold

rest 2 min bt sets


Bike erg 6 min @ tough effort

Went a little tougher than 3rd interval but was hard to push and keep that pace up which I think the 3rd one was about as high as I could keep a sustainable pace – my metric here was 128 cals

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