1/27 (single)
Bike erg 5 min easy
A – Hip strength series x 2 sets
Side lying internally rotated abduction x 5/side with pause at top of each –
Glute med wall lean x 20 sec/side for activation of grounded leg –
Balance assisted shrimp squats x 5/side for control –
Half kneeling adductor dips x 5 reps/side at slow tempo
Bike erg 5 min, slightly faster than warmup
B – Shoulder prehab x 2 sets
Prone scap swimmers x 8-10
BB rollouts from tall kneeling through controlled ROM x 5-6
KB high windmills x 3/side, slow and steady
Bottoms up KB OH carry x 50ft/side
Bike erg 5 min @ stronger effort than middle round, get sweaty here
Check and yes I got a little hot and sweaty
C – Midline x 3 sets
5 V-ups
7 tuck ups
9 hollow rocks
12 sec hollow body hold
rest 2 min bt sets
This was freaking hard as all get out
Bike erg 5 min @ tough effort
Wasn’t much over the hot and sweaty effort but got a little gind on
EMOM x 4
2 rope climbs for smooth tech
Done – and got about 10 more climbs after the emom and really dialed a few things in. They weren’t in a super fatigued state but cleaned up a few detail things that weren’t where I wanted them to be during the emom
1 set for time, focus on toes to bar plan
40 cal ski
20 cal bike erg @ damper 10, seated
40ft HSW
40 toes to bar
40ft HSW
8:45 – toe to bar breakdown -> rep scheme as planned – rest breaks as follow -> 9–6—12—6—19–4 – the long long rest was that I felt the fight coming on for that small set and knowing I wanted to have a good hs walk set after I thought I should take a little longer break. That was too long, but i think on game day this rep scheme will be good but if I think i need to break that long again i will go to smaller sets – going into the hs walk I did sets of 5ft at a time until I felt a little normal at the 20ft mark and then did a 10, but dropped that back to 5 & 5 to keep those short
*Ideally this is a descending rep scheme, where the size of the first set will be dictated by what you are confident to jump up and do RIGHT AWAY after coming off your hands. I think something like 10-8-6-4-4-4-4 would be doable, trying to keep rest breaks really disciplined and never straying too far away from the bar, but this will be your call. Lets give it a shot here and then adjust as needed based off of how it goes.
Dball/atlas stone skill work
Lots of ankle/calf/foot work so we can try to run tomorrow