ABC’s trace with big toe x 1 time through each ankle
Done – not a good day
Donny Thompson banded ankle protocol x 2 sets of 20/side
3 sets, rest as needed
Extended ROM calf raises x 10 with 1 sec pause at top AND bottom of the ROM for control
Light anterior tib raises x 10 with 1 sec pause at top AND bottom of the ROM for control
Cone touch matrix from single leg balance x 3/foot/hand ( just the three front ones, no shoes)
A1 – Legless rope climb double pull x 1 rep (to 10ft), rest 20 sec
A2 – 3 rope climbs with legs for smooth tech, rest 3-4 min x 3 sets
Not done
B – (Sandbag ground to shoulder + 5ft carry on shoulder + drop) x 5 reps @ 150lbs, rest 2 min x 3 sets
41 – tried to go to my left shoulder on a few reps and as ambidextrous as I am in all other things turns out I am not here—-22—24
Sprint piece
60ft HS Walk (30 out and 30 back)
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry @ 150lbs (30×3)
10 cal bike erg @ damper 10
90ft Sandbag Bear Hug Carry @ 150lbs (30×3)
60ft HS Walk (30 out and 30 back)
rest 5 min x 2 sets
4:00—–5:21 – the back half of the hs walk fell apart, a lot of fatigue but also was rushing some technical positions