Monday 1/20/2025


A – Muscle snatch doubles from below knee, rest 60 sec x 3 sets

*mod loading, work on bar speed here

75-95-95 did one bonus set at 115 but definitely not as fast as needed

B – Power snatch triples, rest 5-6 sec bt reps and 2 min bt sets x 5 sets

*you decide loading here based off of how the ankle feels with the pressure of triple extension


C – Back squats @ 31X1 tempo x 4, new set every 2:30 x 4


This ankle injury is the weirdest damn thing I have ever experienced. With all the work done in A-C, it was present on a scale of 1 but didn’t really effect much. May have been a little in leg drive through the triple extension but nothing that played a rol in the load or the squat. So I start warming up for the conditioning and on my second wall ball I felt it flare up, once again it felt more nerve/bruised then anything. I was not ready to concede, so I moved around, did some soft tissue work and found a way to get into the piece….details on that in a moment. 


3 sets

Ski 500m

30 wallballs

10 bar MU

rest 3 min bt sets

4:59—4:45—4:20 – through all sets on first or second wall ball i could feel that go from a 1 to a 2 / 3 but if I turned my toes out slightly then it became no issue. On the bar muscle up I wanted to do a set and practice jumping back up quickly but the jump didn’t feel great so that messed up my timing. So head to baby jump into dead hang and couldn’t get a big enough kip so I missed that first rep……2nd set – same thing on wall ball, first or second rep felt funky and adjusted but on bar muscle ups I thought if the jump hurts a tad bit more than a 2 or 3 then i need to go unbroken so i did. On the 3rd set I thought well if that worked for bmu then go unbroken on wall ball if only the 1st or 2nd rep is unpleasant then get that one out of the way and don’t stop and some for the bmu. 

Tuesdays work – won’t have access to a 15ft rope climb so I wll save the rope climb work for friday when I will have access.

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