Monday 1/13/2025 & Tuesday 1/14/2025


A – Squat snatch doubles x 3 sets, rest 2 min bt sets



B – Squat snatch singles x 3 reps, rest 2 min bt sets



C – Snatch grip yielding isometric hold below knee x 15 sec @ 185lbs, new set every 2:30 x 4


D1 – Front squat x 5 reps @ 195-205, rest 30 sec

D2 – Front squat x 3 reps @ 215-225, rest 30 sec

D3 – Front squat x 1 reps @ 245-265, rest 3 min x 3 sets

Top end loads on all sets. The first set at 265 was kind of a shock to the system coming out of the whole other than that set loads and reps all felt really good. Ankle is a little angry from the weekend hike but that was more from the work it went through of the unstable terrain i’m sure

E – Russian swings – 5 sets of 15 @ 32kg, rest 60 sec bt sets


F – Knee prehab/accessory, your choice

*VMO and hamstring activation, but go with what feels ‘needed

Patrick step up and reverse hyper plus I played around with some spanish squats and even tried banded spanish squats on a slantboard


ABC’s trace with big toe x 1 time through each ankle


Donny Thompson banded ankle protocol x 2 sets of 20/side

Feeling better


3 sets, rest as needed

Extended ROM calf raises x 10 with 1 sec pause at top AND bottom of the ROM for control

Light anterior tib raises x 10 with 1 sec pause at top AND bottom of the ROM for control

Cone touch matrix from single leg balance x 3/foot/hand ( just the three front ones, no shoes)

Feeling good through these. In jumping sports i was always a one footed jumper off of my left foot and my gymnastics and split jerks my left foot is my lead leg/front leg but in the past year I feel like I have lost a little balance and maybe a slight amount of strength in that left leg. I don’t feel any arthritis situations in that leg so not sure what has caused this feel on that side


Bike 3 min, nasal breathing only

Bike 2 min, inhale through nose exhale through mouth

Bike 1 min regular breathing



EMOM x 20 (bike erg!)

Min 1 – Bike 14 cals

Min 2 – 5 shuttle runs

Min 3 – Bike 18 cals

Min 4 – 50 DUs

This was so much better than last week, but I did try to sprint the 18 cals a little harder since I had a lit more rest coming off the shuttle. I also tried to make sure the shuttle stayed at or under 7sec/rep

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