Friday 1/10/2025 – Saturday 1/11/2025


FOTC run through (might just need to find a running setup that mimics something close to 200m with a few tight turns)

*get round times as you go, and a rough idea of splits on the snatches and rope climbs. what we’ll want is an idea of turnover speed for both as the workout progresses, and then reverse engineer our way into a running pace that optimizes those times

12:48 – the best I can remember finish times per round —> 2:43 / 6:03 / 9:51 / 12: 48 – run was outside in the absolute warmest of temps and some terrain changes and I think it was a little longer than 200m, my run wasn’t slow but first run was done around 1:06-1:10 and I do think that dropped to 1:10-1:15 ish I believe so that can give us some reverse engineering for the snatch/rope climb, logistical transitions were probably a little longer than floor set up will be, but those did allow me to get right away into the movement. Tried to move descent with cautious intentions. Snatch felt like pretty fast singles but took a little longer going into the 6th rep so I would waste no time for first rope climb. Ankle held up well, run was short enough I wasn’t too stressed on it, running outside in the terrain also made me a little more cautious


EMOM x 15min 

Min-1 – 40 Double Unders + 40 Crossover Singles (40 sec cap) 

MIn-2 – 50′ HSW

Min-3 – 15 toes to bar

Min-4 – 3 Sandbag to Shoulder + 6 Sand Bag Squats @ 150lbs

Min 5 – rest 

This was fun.  jump rope work – was never able to get 40 crossover singles, finished each round just over 30. Got a chance to race on the other movements which was so much fun.


Sooooo – there was some gym access today but the snow was so beautiful we took the dogs out to play for a solid hour and then went on a long hike to somewhere with spectacular views. It was well worth not getting this session in. With the snow I just thought it was a rare opportunity for the pictures and the views and being in nature unplugged

EMOM x 10 

Odd – Max Bench Press @ 135lbs in 30sec 

Even – Max Strict Pull-ups in 30sec


2 min window, 1 min rest/reset x 4 rounds

15 cal ski

12 chest to bar

AMRAP 1-arm DB devil press @ 70lbs in remaining time


BB hip thrusts x 8 reps with 2 sec hold at top of each, rest 2-3 min x 4 sets


GHD situps – accumulate 60 for the day

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