Tuesday and Wednesday 1/7/2025 & 1/8/2025


ABC’s trace with big toe x 1 time through each ankle



Donny Thompson banded ankle protocol x 2 sets of 20/side



3 sets, rest as needed

Extended ROM calf raises x 10 with 1 sec pause at top AND bottom of the ROM for control

Light anterior tib raises x 10 with 1 sec pause at top AND bottom of the ROM for control

Cone touch matrix from single leg balance x 3/foot/hand ( just the three front ones, no shoes)



light treadmill walking/jogging to test things out, but nothing too fast

If FOTC was this weekend and we have a run, I would be able to do it, would probably just have to take a I’m brining up the rear effort but I would be able to run.


Bike 3 min, nasal breathing only

Bike 2 min, inhale through nose exhale through mouth

Bike 1 min regular breathing



EMOM x 15

Min 1 – Bike 14 cals

Min 2 – Bike 16 cals

Min 3 – Bike 18 cals

My buddy who mutually suffered in this piece with me told me to send you a middle finger emoji…but don’t have one on my computer so you will just have to imagine it was there. This SUCKED….attempted to do this on the echo because I was a glutton for punishment. And after the 6th interval second 18, my legs stopped working and was not going to get 14, i would’ve been lucky to get much past 4. So reset mentally and physically and went to work on the C2 bike erg. Same level of discomfort but manageable to get all 15 rounds. 


A – Power clean x 1/Hang squat clean x 1 – new complex every 90 sec x 8, start at 175 and build every 2 strong makes


B – Hand release deadlifts x 3 reps, rest 2:30 x 4 sets



Every 2 min x 3 sets

100ft sandbag bear hug carry @ 150lbs, into

6 ring MU

52—56—1:21 (had to do 5/1 on rmu for last set) 

+ (rest as needed)

Compete FOTC intervals

4 Sets, each for Time: 

15 Cal Echo Bike 

9 Hang Power Clean @ 155lbs 

6 STOH @ 155 

15 burpees AFAP 

rest 3min bw sets with easy bike spin 

**can do burpees with jump/touch target overhead instead of bar facing here, should be a little easier on ankle?

2:58—3:02—3:27—3:51 – I did do bar facing and probably should have gone overhead, no pain but was just really afraid to push it with a hard pace. I was surprised that the STOH felt the easiest, I never went ham on the bike.

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