Wednesday 1/1/2025 – Saturday 1/4/2025


Every 90 sec x 8 alternating sets (4 each)

Odd – Bike erg 16 cals

Even – Row 16 cals


Soft rolling x 2/side, 1 each with hand drive and leg drive

Snatch grip sots presses from box x 4-5 slow reps, take a breath at extension and at back rack

Cone touch matrix (3 in front, touch each one with each hand on each leg, return to standing posture between each touch)

3 times through, rest as needed


Hip flow x 3/direction (shin box to half kneel to squat to pigeon pose and back)

4 times through, rest as needed


Every 90 sec x 8 alternating sets (4 each)

Odd – Bike erg 16 cals

Even – Row 16 cals

Due to traveling back on wednesday I did this on thursday and it was the perfect session for coming back off of inconsistency of days of training and food indulgences and enjoying adult beverages. I pushed the first piece pretty hard and the piece on the back end I focused a little bit more on sustainability. 

1/2 – OFF


A1. Double DB Incline Bench Press – AMRAP-1 @ 70/hand; rest as needed 

6-6-7-6 – I did more of a -2 on the first 2 sets as the shoulder wasn’t used to the incline position, so I didn’t push it until the set i hit 7

A2. Narrow Grip Inverted Bar Row – AMRAP-1; rest as needed x 4 sets


B – Dbl DB push press x 8 reps into Dbl DB OH carry x 50ft, rest 2 min x 3 sets

*start at 35lbs


C – Rope pullups AMRAP (-1), rest 1 min and switch top hands, rest 3 min after both x 2 sets/side

This stupid finger is still a little irritated so so I just went with accumulating 10 reps/side – it just is uncomfortable from how much squeezing the rope puts on that finger. 


Run Speed Sesison

10 x 100m run at 1 mile effort, walk 20 seconds


2 x 1k run at 100% 5k, 90s jog recovery 


3 x 400m run at 102-104%, walk 45s 

rest 4:00

x 2 


10 x 100m run at 1 mile effort, walk 20 seconds

So I started this session on an assault runner and the battery died midway through the 2nd 1K, so I had to make a choice. So I took a short break and to treat it as a second session and went to the track. At the track I started back from the top and felt pretty good. But when I got to the 400’s I opted to only do 1 set there, as I didn’t want to overdue the running volume in 1 day plus it was 20 degrees and snowing so I was just trying to not freeze


A1 – Back rack split squats x 5/side @ 115lbs, rack and rest 30 sec

A2 – Thrusters x AMRAP (-2) @ 115lbs, rest 3 min x 3 sets

*go to the point where you feel the need to pause overhead or at rack. keep steady momentum as long as you can)

13—13—11 – this did a lot for my thruster confidence. I’ts not a huge number but I was actually very happy that I felt in control breathing wise. I don’t feel we’ve done a lot of thrusters so had lower expectations so happy with thisl

B – Paused front squat @ 22X1 x 4 reps, rest 3 min x 3 sets



EMOM x 5 – 4 clean and jerks @ 185lbs

Done – was finishing around 19-20sec on the first 3 sets, and the 4th got a little spicy and just had to grind through the last


Chipper Intervals

Complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:

20 cal Row 

30 wallballs @ 20lbs

20 toes to bar

30 box jump overs @ 24in

20 kipping HSPU

30m dbl DB front rack lunges @ 50lbs/hand

20 cal Row 

8 RC’s 

…Rest 2min

…then same workout: 6min cap

…Rest 2min

…then same workout: FOR TIME 

Well… luck has not been so great lately with annoying minor injuries. I rolled my ankle on the rope coming down.

I didn’t push the pace as I wanted to stay super consistent because I really wanted to push the rope climbs on the end, so my goal was to work hard, stay consistent and attack the movements i’m confident with and minimize breaks and rest at the others. First set 17 TTB, second set 19 hspu and the for time, I tripped and rolled my ankle coming down off the 5th rope climb, on the for time piece i was at the same cadence for the 6 min amrap, when I got to the lunge I wanted to pull back just a little so I got minimze rest time and treat the 8 rope climbs like they were 8 reps for time and do touch and go in sets of 2 with short-ish breaks. On the 5th climb after my second pull I was not high enough so instead of do one more really good pull I did a couple of short pulls which through off my rhythm to finish and my timing coming down so coming down was awkward and thats when my foot hit the rope on the ground and rolled over it, It is swollen and a bit tinder today. But I do not foresee squatting will be an issue,Right now dorsiflexion feels good, an aggressive plantar flexion feels tender, and inversion is limited and a little painful, eversion is uncomfortable and not as painful. I’ll keep you updated on it in my monday session and maybe push back any running progressions towards the end of the week. I do not feel the timetable to heeling on this one will be super long but we’ll just be mindful of it.

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