Monday 12/16/2024 – Saturday 12/21/2024


A – Hip strength series 

Side lying internally rotated abduction x 5/side with pause at top of each – 

Glute med wall lean x 20 sec/side for activation of grounded leg – 

Balance assisted shrimp squats x 5/side for control – 

Half kneeling adductor dips x 5 reps/side at slow tempo 


A – Hang Power snatch – 1 rep every 20 sec x 20 @ 135-145lbs, crisp and fast

145 – felt fast and snappy today

B – Power clean/push jerk x 12-9-6 TNG reps @ 85-115-145, rest 20 sec bt weights, rest 4 min after the whole set x 2 sets

Ummmm this was awful….i forgot to take notes of times. But 145 was horrible. On the second round I took closer to 30 sec than 20 leading to the 145, that round the 115 was not fun so was alright in grind mode going into it

C – Russian KB swings – 12 reps EMOM x 6 sets (24-28kg)


D – Back rack carry iso hold x 20 sec, new set every 90 sec x 5 

*load this up and challenge midline 

365 and it felt like what I think 405 would feel like

E1 – Straight leg copenhagen plank x 12-15 sec/side, rest 10 sec bt sides, 60 sec after both

E2 – Hamstring walkouts from supine x 4 reps, rest 2 min x 4 sets



TTT gait prep


Easy 400m jog


100m building efforts, rest walk back to start x 4

*target here is a steady build in your speed from the start up until around the 70m mark, at which point you should be around 90% sprint speed. Hold that pace through the finish thinking about keeping a high turnover, driving knees up and forward, and midline strong. This ISN’T an all out sprint at the end, but should be close


800m repeats @ consistent pace

new set every 7 min x 5


*lets target a steady pace throughout the 800 this week, still trying to keep finish times around 3:35-3:40

3:31—3:36—3:45—3:43—3:38 Hip was still a little sensitive but changing directions was huge in the long run for leaving this session feeling healthy. Going the opposite direction challenged what I felt paces were but settled in to feel consistent


Backwards walking cooldown 200m


A – Ring MU – 9 reps for time, rest 3-4 min x 3 sets

:33 UB 1st set —— :49 6/3—:56 6/3

B – Passive hang from pullup bar as long as possible with 1 pullup every 10 sec, rest 4 min x 3 sets

6—6+7 seconds —-6—–5 forearms were just blown up and mentally was having a hard time fighting through it. 

C1 – Single DB pullover from shoulders supported on bench x 6-8, rest 90 sec


C2 – 1-arm Overhead archer ring rows x 3/side + 2-arm overhead archer ring rows x 6, rest 90 sec x 4 sets

Please make a video of all these various archer rows because I still have no idea if my guesses are right. 

D1 – Lateral archer ring rows x 3/side + Overhead archer ring rows x 3/side, rest 1 min

D2 – Ring Fall throughs from tall kneeling x 5 controlled reps with a pause for control at end range in the bottom, rest 1 min x 3 sets

E – Single DB overhead tricep extensions x 12-15, rest 90 sec x 4 sets


F – 1-arm alternating TGU x 20 reps @ 16kg bell, not for time


12/19 – OFF


A – Bench press 3 sets of 12, rest 2 min


B1 – Wall facing strict HSPU – AMRAP, rest 1 min


B2 – Butt to wall strict HSPU – AMRAP, rest 1 min


B3 – Kipping HSPU AMRAP, rest 4 min x 3 sets

*target is beating last week’s numbers AGAIN



C – For time

100 hand release pushups

*don’t game this, start with a big/fast set and then chip away from there as fast as you can



D1 – Light dbl DB bent over reverse flys x 6-8, rest 45 sec

D2 – Scap swimmers from prone x 30 sec continuous motion without touching body or ground, rest 45 sec

D3 – Banded ATYT x 5-6 reps, rest 45 sec x 3 sets



Warmup with hip series from Monday




Strength & Skill 

3 Rounds 

15 Pull-ups

10 FS (135lbs) 

2 Rounds

15 CTB

10 Power Clean (185lbs) 

1 Round

15 BMU 

10 Squat Clean (225lbs)

18:38 – i know in WIC time cap was 18, and when I hit 17 min mark I knew I wasn’t going to finish under cap but I was still going to finish. I just think my confidence with heavy barbell cycling was not as high going into this and just tried to manage myself mentally and stay consistent. I also was way too conservative with the pull ups and the CTB (1st round), could have been way more aggressive and broke those up less, was afraid that big sets would have some cumulative fatigue but it did not feel that way towards the end in the moment so that would be an adjustment I would make.

12/22 – OFF

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