TTT gait prep
Easy 400m jog
100m building efforts, rest walk back to start x 4
*target here is a steady build in your speed from the start up until around the 70m mark, at which point you should be around 90% sprint speed. Hold that pace through the finish thinking about keeping a high turnover, driving knees up and forward, and midline strong. This ISN’T an all out sprint at the end, but should be close
I still like sprinting so much better
800m repeats @ progressive pace
0-200m @ 10k effort
200-400m @ 5k effort
400-600m @ 3k effort
600-800m @ strong kick
new set every 7 min x 5
*4km total
3:42 — 3:36—3:40—3:43—3:30 – this is the best running has felt in all of these progressions. Weather played a role as I was not running in the snow and 20 degree temps this week….also if I keep doing these on the track I am going to have to alternate which direction i am running as I really felt my left hip on the last set not feel good at all and a little overloaded/overuse from running only one direction for all 5 sets. Running these progressions on the track has really fet good as I have had good markers of when to shift gears and kick….just let me know if any of these progressions you would prefer to be done on a trail.
Backwards walking cooldown 200m