Monday – 12/4/2024

A – Squat clean x 1/Front squat x 1/Jerk x 1, new complex every 3 min x 5 sets
8 sets, rest 60 sec bt sets
12 wallballs (20lbs to 10ft)
9 box jump overs @ 24in
6 1-arm alternating DB snatches @ 70lbs
3 ring MU
19:46 (with rest) – the hardest part of this piece was the db… around the 4th round when it really set in that this was creating the greatest limitation in transitions, I made up my mind to grind through right after the box jump overs. My transitions after the db to the muscle ups was still too long but the goal was to cut out the transition from the box to the db and the db to the muscle up. I wish I had kept track of each round. After the first 2 rounds when the difficulty set in, I probably dropped off in sets 3&4 and cut that back down with the quicker transition to the db….i rounded up a few seconds on average on most rounds just to keep the timing of restart easier to remember. So I’d say the average time per round was consistently around 90sec

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