Friday 11/1/2024 – Wednesday 11/6/2024


A1 – Band pull aparts palms up x 10-12

A2 – Band pull aparts palms down x 10-12

A3 – Diagonal band pull aparts x 6-8/side, rest as needed x 4 sets

B – 10 1-arm alternating TGU @ 20kg, not for time

C – Shoulder pendulum swings with light load, 2 sets/side, rest as needed –

4-5 reps side to side

4-5 reps front to back

4-5 small circles each direction

D – Reverse table top plank hold x 30 sec, rest 90 sec x 4 sets

*looking for shoulder extension AND hip extension, get as much of both as you can and try to BREATHE in that position



AMRAP 30 min @ 65-70% effort

Run 400m @ easy effort

15 burpee broad jumps (cover at least 3ft with each jump)

Run 400m @ easy effort

15 overhead american KB swings @ 24kg

Run 400m @ easy effort

15 straight leg situps

Run 400m @ easy effort

15 goblet squats @ 24kg

Adam: how are you feeling

Ben: I feel pretty good but my calves are still smoked….

Well let’s run a shit ton more lol…..but I also was probably going quite a bit more than 65-70% effort….got 2 full rounds plus the kb swings


Barre class cause you love it

I actually did enjoy it. And it was about as tough as I thought it was going to be….but I did skip the rest of the day, just tired. 


90 sec easy row, rest 30 sec

90 sec easy ski, rest 30 sec

90 sec easy bike, rest 90 sec x 2 sets


35 cal row @ 1100-1150 cal/hr, rest 30 sec

35 cal ski @ 1000-1050 cal/hr, rest 30 sec

35 cal bike @ 1050-1100 cal/hr, rest 90 sec x 4 sets


3 sets, not for time

Active arch hollow positional work on rig, using box for leverage – 4 ‘reps’/position (

15-20 sec straight arm support hold on rings 

Active arch hollow positional work on foam rollers – 4 ‘reps’/position ( )

15-20 sec bent arm support hold on rings (bottom of dip)

11/3 – OFF


A1 – Banded ATYT with CO sym bands x 6

A2 – Banded snow angels with CO sym bands x 8

A3 – Banded face pulls into external rotation and overhead press x 10

A4 – BTN sots press with training bar/empty bar x 5-6 with 1 sec hold overhead each rep

B – Snatch from blocks

3-4 reps from knee, rest 90 sec bt reps

3-4 reps from below knee, rest 90 sec bt reps

3-4 reps from mid shin, rest 90 sec bt reps

*start these around 135 or so

135 and build to 155 from the mid shin….blocks i had access too were more above the knee and then knee and mid shin. 

C – Squat snatch – 5 singles from floor building to strong weight for the day


D – Power clean x 1/Front squat x 2/Split jerk x 1, rest 3 min and build to strong single for the day (leave 15lbs in the tank)

215 – there was definitely 225 in the tank, and maybe 235

E – Front squat – build to strong set of 5



EMOM x 12-15

1 – 20 DU’s + 10 chest to bar

2 – 20 DU’s + 10 kipping HSPU

3 – 20 DU’s + 10 wallballs @ 20lbs to 10ft

15 rounds – tried going for most of them with a double under as my first rep but that made me get a little sloppy around the 8/9 minute mark. 


TTT Run Warm-up –

Run 400m progressive intensity, faster every 100m to end around 4:30 min/1k pace, rest walk 2 min x 3 


Run 800m @ progressive intensity, faster every 250-300m, new set every 8 min x 5

4:21—4:04—3:56—3:57—3:45  —— my anterior tib was still a little sore when i started but that felt better as I went. The first round was feeling it out. Also did this on a track which really helped for pacing but also meant I didn’t have immediate access to the bike erg at the end so just did a longer backwards walk and walk….but also cut that short to go vote. 


Backwards walk 200m easy cooldown


Easy bike erg 200 cals, low damper, conversational


A – Squat clean x 1 rep every 20 sec x 6 @ 185-195lbs, rest 3 min x 3 sets


B – BB push press x 2/BB push jerk x 2, rest 2 min x 4 sets

*each rep has a 2 sec hold overhead


C1 – Dbl DB OH carry x 100ft, rest 30 sec


C2 – AMRAP (-2) belly to wall plate step ups, rest 2:30 x 4 sets

*stop when you start to overcompensate in midline or are needing to pause

8—8—-10—9 – I felt better with this as I went but it always threw me off and created a struggle when I had to switch the lead hand

D1 – Deficit ring pushups x 3-4 (set feet up higher than the bottom of the rings so that you’re at a bit of an incline press), rest 30 sec

D2 – Parallette pushups x 5-6 (feet on ground so now your hands are higher, but still get chest below hands for a little more ROM), rest 30 sec

D3 – Hand release pushups x 7-8, rest 30 sec

D4 – Cobra pushups x 8-10, rest 3 min x 3 sets (hips stay down, should burn triceps at lockout)

The rest in between made this much more delightful…..the parallete push uup was the only one I didn’t hit the high end of reps. It was a little achy on the shoulder but everything else felt really good

E1 – Light dbl DB bent over reverse flys x 6-8, rest 45 sec


E2 – Scap swimmers from prone x 30 sec continuous motion without touching body or ground, rest 45 sec

E3 – Banded ATYT x 5-6 reps, rest 45 sec x 3 sets


11/7 – OFF

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