Monday 10/21/24 – Saturday 10/26/2024


A – Snatch grip isometric pin pull below knee height – 10 sec of HARD contraction, new set every 90 sec x 4

B – Below knee paused squat snatch x 1.1 + Regular speed squat snatch x 1.1, rest 2 min x 6 working sets 


C – Strict press x 6,4,2,6,4,2. rest 3 min bt sets.


D – Strict press 24’s (8 reps from shoulders to forehead, 8 reps from forehead to lockout, 8 reps through full ROM), rest 2 min x 3 sets (light to moderate loading)



Serratus/scap series x 2 sets for quality

8-10 banded straight arm presses from quadruped 

5-6/side banded archer pullbacks with mini-band 

6-8 band distracted light DB front raises

6-8 scap pullups



Bretzel stretch x 30 sec/side x 3 sets, rest as needed



A – DB Goblet hold cyclist squats x 12-15, rest 2 min x 4 sets (heels elevated, feet together, toes forward


B1 – Banded quadruped plank to pike knee extensions x 16, rest 1 min ( )

B2 – Low box hamstring bridges with slight knee bend x 6-8, rest 1 min x 3 sets


C1 – Goblet hold lateral lunges x 10-12 alternating reps (5-6/direction), rest 1 min


C2 – Bent knee copenhagen planks x 15-20 sec/side, rest 1 min x 3 sets



Ski erg 500m x 10 sets; rest 90 sec bt sets

*1:58/500m to start, increase pace each set if possible

Will pull up and update later this day……


A – PC/PJ – 1 rep every 10 sec x 5-6 @ 155-175lbs, rest 3 min x 3 sets

175 across

B – OHS from rack @ 31X1 tempo x 3 reps, rest 2 min x 4 sets



2 sets

16 cal echo (finish sub 60 sec)

50 DU’s

5 ring MU

rest 60 sec bt sets



2 sets

16 cal echo (finish sub 60 sec)

50 DU’s

15 kipping HSPU

rest 60 sec bt sets


10/24 – OFF


FOTC Week 4


For time:

50 DB Bench Press – One head of DB touches chest at bottom, arms locked out at top – 50lbs per hand

2:37 —— my plans were to do a few small sets in the beginning and fight and burnout at the end but I fell into the trap out the gate and did a bigger set than my original plan, wasn’t huge but should’ve stayed smaller. 



On a running clock

At 0:00

500m row


rest to 3 min mark

At 3:00

3 min amrap: toes to bar


rest to 7 min mark

At 7:00

500m row

And no joke —> 1:36.5

And honestly I just wasn’t feeling it today. My calves were really sore, my lats were a little sore and tired my get after it gear just wasn’t today. 


Band pull apart super series (get those pecs to relax)

Palms up

Palms down

Diagonal both ways

Pass throughs

and maybe even some gentle pec stretches with foam roller behind back


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