Monday 9/23 — Saturday 9/28


A – Feet elevated ring rows x 15 for time, rest 2 min x 3 sets (feet elevated to same height as hands)


B – Foot assisted strict bar dips x 15, rest 2 min x 3 sets (use as little foot assistance as possible to hit each set unbroken. picture it like a spotter helping only as much as needed to accomplish the rep)



EMOM x 5

1 – 30 sec HR pushups 19—20—21

2 – 30 sec ski cals 9—10—9

3 – 30 sec DU’s —60—62—61

4 – 30 sec 1-arm alternating DB snatch —15—15—15

5 – 30 sec HR pushups 20—18—19

rest 4 min x 3 sets

This was the perfect day i needed today


Front squat cluster set – 3.3.3, rest 20 sec bt 3’s, 3 min bt sets x 4 sets


Echo bike 24 cals (finish in < 1:15)

rest to 1:30 mark

6 cleans @ 185

4 cleans @ 205

2 cleans @ 225

rest to 6 min mark x 3 sets

1:51—1:51—2:04 – i’m pretty sure these were my times


EMOM x 8-10

Odd – 20 sec AMRAP strict pullups


Even – 20 sec AMRAP BB strict press @ 50-60% 1RM



EMOM x 8-10

Odd – 20 sec AMRAP hang power cleans @ 95lbs


Even – 20 sec AMRAP ring pushups



EMOM x 8-10

Odd – 10 sec hang from climbing rope, rest 10, 10 sec hang from climbing rope switched top hand

Even – 100ft dbl DB OH carry (35-45lbs/hand)

Done x 10 – with 35


For time

21-15-9 reps each of 

Heavy banded horizontal row (seated)

Light banded tricep pressdown

3:05 – actually went to globo gym side and used seated cable row and cable pressdown

9/26 – OFF


100 cal bike, start very easy and slowly build

Talked to someone the first 30 cals so was a very very east start into it


Lightly loaded hollow rocks x 20 sec on, 40 sec off x 8

*light load held in hands overhead, keep good tension in midline and shoulders



HSW GOLF practice

HSW 25ft, new set every 90 sec x 8

*track finish times AND number of steps. score = time in seconds + number of steps. lower is better


Scores -> 37—37—36—38—33—32—31


Ski erg 750m x 8; rest 3 min

**2K+5 to start, increase pace each set if possible

(didn’t get first interval copied in but I truly sandbagged it)— 2:56.9 (1:57.9) — 2:55.7 (1:57.1) — 2:54.5 (1:56.3) — 2:54.3 (1:56.2) — 2:52.8 (1:55.2) — 2:50.8 (1:53.8) — 2:46.8 (1:51.2)


(same OH/ER work)

Banded external rotation into OH press x 6 reps (keep ribcage depressed, do 2 full breath cycles in overhead position each rep, )

KB overhead drops from dead bug positions x 6 reps (1 full breath cycle in extension each rep ), rest as needed x 3 sets




13 min clock

1k row

100 wallballs (20lbs to 10ft))

Then in remaining time

Amrap of (10 dbl db thrusters and 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs @ 24″)

*50lbs per hand”

Had 5 minutes of amrap – row was 3:45-ish, wall balls done in 15’s for more than half and holy shit that was the heaviest db thrusters have ever felt in my life, did not have the grind to do any sets ub….2 + 10

9/29 – OFF

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