100 cal bike, start very easy and slowly build
Lightly loaded hollow rocks x 20 sec on, 40 sec off x 6
*light load held in hands overhead, keep good tension in midline and shoulders
Tucked handstand kickups into 15ft HSW, new set EMOM x 10
*kick up with knees bent and hips flexed, then once your weight shifts over your hands you can extend and walk
Ski erg1000m x6; rest 3:30
**2K+6 to start, increase pace each set if possible
(same OH/ER work)
Banded external rotation into OH press x 6 reps (keep ribcage depressed, do 2 full breath cycles in overhead position each rep, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RUnpt8pDJU )
KB overhead drops from dead bug positions x 6 reps (1 full breath cycle in extension each rep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4krykeHIb4 ), rest as needed x 3 sets
10 Rounds for Time (15 min cap)
10 Burpees to 6″ Reach
10 TTB
14:06——I had to do this one in the evening. Burpee felt steady but ttb started getting grindy around round 6….i was being a little baby as my hands were very sensitive at that point.
Hang Squat Clean Thruster:
EMOM x 3: 3 reps @ 55-60%
EMOM x 3: 2 reps @ 62-67%
EMOM x 3: 1 rep @ 70-75% 1RM Thruster
Every 3 min x 5 sets
8 front squats from floor @ 185lbs
75 DU’s
*volume build here
AMRAP 5 min
2 Rope Climbs
8 Hang Power Snatch @ 95lbs
rest 5 min
AMRAP 5 min
12 chest to bar
8 BB Push presses @ 135lbs
I was smoked mentally and physically at this point. C2b felt way off – 4 even