Tuesday 9/10/2024 – Saturday 9/14/2024


For time

4 rounds of 

400m run + 8 clean and jerks @ 135lbs


4 rounds of 

200m run + 4 clean and jerks @ 165lbs


4 rounds of

12 bar facing burpees + 2 clean and jerks @ 195lbs

27:04 —— loved my pace for the first 4 rounds, the middle 4 I tried to slow my pace a little as the turnover skyrocketed my heart rate and wanted to attack the. Burpee aggressively going into it but instead they attacked me aggressively. 2nd barbell felt really light, not sure what my cycle time was but it felt as fast as the 135. 


A – EMOM x 8

Back squat x 5 @ 195-205lbs


AMRAP 5 min

Wallballs @ 20lbs to 10ft

*EMOM starting at 0 – 3 ring MU


(rest 5 min)

AMRAP 5 min

dbl DB box step overs (50lbs/hand, 20in)

*EMOM starting at 0 – 5 bar MU


(rest 5 min)

AMRAP 5 min

Bike erg cals

*EMOM starting at 0 – 7 line facing burpees

9/12 – OFF


100 cal bike, start very easy and slowly build


Positional breathing from Belly to wall HS hold with a hollow body shape – kick up, establish position, then go through 6 breath cycles before you come down. Make them slow and controlled with a good stacked position. rest as needed x 4 sets


Lightly loaded hollow rocks x 20 sec on, 40 sec off x 5

*light load held in hands overhead, keep good tension in midline and shoulders


Tucked handstand kickups into 15ft HSW, new set EMOM x 8

*kick up with knees bent and hips flexed, then once your weight shifts over your hands you can extend and walk


Ski 90 sec progressive intensity, faster every 30 to end below a 1:50/500m

rest 3 min x 2-3 sets


Ski 10 sec HARD start, Ski 20 sec SLOW x 3 continuous sets

*hard start is in the 1:40’s or below


Ski 2k Time Trial

7:39 – will post picture later today with accompanying notes

*plug into monitor and include picture of screen in the blog post after. lets see where we’re at here. be prepared to grind in the middle, from 900-1500.


(same OH/ER work)

Banded external rotation into OH press x 6 reps (keep ribcage depressed, do 2 full breath cycles in overhead position each rep, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RUnpt8pDJU )

KB overhead drops from dead bug positions x 6 reps (1 full breath cycle in extension each rep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4krykeHIb4 ), rest as needed x 3 sets




4 rounds for max reps:

1 min CTB pull ups 24—24—23—21

1 min thrusters 95lbs 14—14—13—12

1 min row cals 19–20–18–18

rest 1 min


Squat Snatch AMRAPs:

60 sec AMRAP @ 125lbs

60 sec AMRAP @ 135lbs

60 sec AMRAP @ 145lbs

60 sec AMRAP @ 155lbs

Rest 30 sec b/t each set/change weights



Every 3 min x 4 sets

8 front squats from floor @ 185lbs

75 DU’s



Gliding hamstring curls x 6-8, rest 2 min x 4 sets

*low back in rack, heels on bench/box

9/15 – OFF

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