Wednesday 9/4/2024 – Saturday – 9/7/2024


A – EMOM x 8

Back squat x 5 reps @ 165-185lbs for smooth speed


B – EMOM x 8

15 wallballs (20 to 10)

Felt good to squat a lot


EMOM x 12

Odd – 15 cal row

Even – 8 BBJO @ 24in

Tried to keep burpee paces around 27-31 and I think i kept all of them sub 30 from what I remember

+ (rest 5-6 min)

EMOM x 12

Odd – 15 cal row

Even – 10 burpees to 6in touch

I think from what i remember i was around 29-32 seconds each round on burpee

9/5 – OFF


Went in kind of a weird order for the friday-saturday training sessions

75 cal bike, progressive intensity, first 30-40 very easy pace then ramp into it steadily as you go

7:47 – was a slow start but finally got going


Positional breathing from Piked HSPU position (toes on box, hips above shoulders). do 5 breath cycles with arms extended, and 5 breath cycles with head on ground. rest as needed x 2 sets

Done – really trying to push through these positions to breath and expand my ribcage during these breath cycles


Positional breathing from quadruped position (hands below shoulders, knees below hips – ). push through ground to protract scaps, breathe in through belly and mid to upper back, 360 degree expansion. 5 breath cycles, rock hips back to heels slowly with each breath, rest as needed x 2 sets



Piked HS walk 180 degrees + 10 alternating shoulder taps from piked HS + Piked HS walk 180 degrees back, slow spin on bike with ful inhale/exhale as active recovery x 3 sets ( )



Banded external rotation into OH press x 6 reps (keep ribcage depressed, do 2 full breath cycles in overhead position each rep, )

KB overhead drops from dead bug positions x 6 reps (1 full breath cycle in extension each rep ), rest as needed x 3 sets


AMRAP 12 min

Bike erg 500m

5 wall walks

50 DU’s

5 + 300 meters – I went for it on wall walks, all except for one of the rounds – I also did this on friday stand alone as I got a buddy to join in that I knew would push me and I was chasing him the whole time. Bike wasn’t long enough for me to create enough space on it, but I damn sure tried. He would smoke me on wall walks so my goal was to go rep for rep and I did all except for that one round and he got past me on the dubz so this was really fun to chase someone that I need could get me on this workout with what was once considered a huge weakness. I sill need work but i have a whole lot more confidence on it. 



For time, partition work anyhow

2 mile run

80 toes to bar

40 PC/PJ @ 115lbs

22:04 – my breakdown was 5 pc/j -> 15 TTB (wanted to do 2) – 5 pc/pj – 5 ttb -> 6 rounds of 400m run/10 TTB/5 pc/pj → 800m run i only had 2 rounds that i had longer transitions than needed – this was actually really fun and enjoyed the push. I was worried about the TTB volume and it actually felt better and better as i went but my shoulder was achy after but I think that was more the volume 


A – Front squat – 4,4,3,3,2,2. rest 3 min, 78-88%

235—245—255—260—265—270 – didn’t really go off of percentages as I built, as long as it didn’t feel too heidi out of the hole I added at least a little bit of weight. I can only guess where my max is right now and wanted to see what some heavier loads actually feel like. 

B – Front squat x 1/Jerk dip x 1/Split jerk x 1, rest 2 min x 6 sets @ 74-78%

215 across 

C – Clean grip deadlifts – 5 sets of 8, rest 2 min

*mod loading here, ensure neutral spine and good activation of posterior chain



Pump Finisher:

For time:

50 Diamond Push-Ups

50 Ring Rows

25 Diamond Push-Ups

25 Ring Rows

This didn’t feel great on the shoulder but it wasn’t past a 2, i have forgot my time by now but i think it was 7 something

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