Monthly Archives: September 2024

Monday 9/16/2024 – Friday 9/20/2024

9/16 Half kneeling thoracic flow x 3 sets 5 reps/side of (overhead half moon with arm closest to wall + horizontal windmill with arm away from wall) ( ) 30 sec of foam rolling upper back , keep rib … Continue reading

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Tuesday 9/10/2024 – Saturday 9/14/2024

9/10 For time 4 rounds of  400m run + 8 clean and jerks @ 135lbs into 4 rounds of  200m run + 4 clean and jerks @ 165lbs into 4 rounds of 12 bar facing burpees + 2 clean and … Continue reading

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Wednesday 9/4/2024 – Saturday – 9/7/2024

9/4 A – EMOM x 8 Back squat x 5 reps @ 165-185lbs for smooth speed 185 B – EMOM x 8 15 wallballs (20 to 10) Felt good to squat a lot + EMOM x 12 Odd – 15 … Continue reading

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Tuesday 9/3/2024

9/3 Thorough warmup 3 rounds for time 800m run 2k bike 23:24 – goal was to be sub 8 minutes per round, it got mentally tough on the 2nd bike I will have to go back to the back and … Continue reading

Posted in Aerobic Intensity, Aerobic training, Heavy Breathing, Machine Intensity | Leave a comment

Friday 8/30/2024 – Monday 9/2/2024

8/3075 cal bike, progressive intensity, first 30-40 very easy pace then ramp into it steadily as you go7:51+Positional breathing from Piked HSPU position (toes on box, hips above shoulders). do 5 breath cycles with arms extended, and 5 breath cycles … Continue reading

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