Wednesday 8.28/2024


3 sets, rest as needed

10/side diagonal band pull aparts

8/side 1-arm DB ext rotation @ 10-15lbs

6 snatch grip prone lift offs with 2 sec hold (empty training bar or lightly loaded PVC)

Not a great training day. I think it was a combination of a few factors, choosing to do yesterdays workout all outside probably drained me more than i think, or ate enough and hydrated enough in recovery. 


AMRAP 9 min

3-3-6-6-9-9…reps each of 

Ring MU

Thrusters @ 135lbs

59 reps


Row Warm-up; 


I did not hit all my target numbers….I started to do the row position in the afternoon and I was not feeling it. So I finished my day and tried to do it again in the evening. I was at a 8 or 9/10 and that was falling short of my target numbers. Was hitting 1:49-1:50 on all sets and that was a huge mental and physical fight today

Row 1:40 @ 2-4 sec per 500m faster than avg pace from test

rest 20 seconds 


rest 2min, then: 

Row 1:40 @ 2-4 sec per 500m faster than avg pace from test 

rest 20 seconds 


rest 3min, then: 

Row 1:40 @ 2-4 sec per 500m faster than avg pace from test 

rest 20 seconds 


rest 3min, then: 

Row 1:40 @ 6-10 sec SLOWER per 500m than avg pace from test 

rest 20 seconds 


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