Monday 8/26/2024

Half kneeling thoracic flow x 3 sets
5 reps/side of (overhead half moon with arm closest to wall + horizontal windmill with arm away from wall) ( )
30 sec of foam rolling upper back , keep rib cage down during to isolate t spine
A – Piked parallette HSPU x 10, rest 3 min x 5 sets

B1 – Strict ring dips @ 21X1 tempo x 6-8, rest 1 min

B2 – BB Pendlay rows @ 21X1 tempo x 6-8, rest 1 min x 4 sets
135 x 6 – 135 might have been a bit too much mostly holding that tempo of 1 in the up position
C – BB OHS @ 32X1 tempo x 3 reps, new set every 2:30 min x 5
155-155-165-165-145 – bar path started getting a little sloppy so I dropped for that last set….shoulder is getting better but still not 100%
D – Every 90 sec x 6 sets – 15 russian swings @ 32kg

Not for time – 30 1-arm alternating TGU @ 35lbs


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