Wednesday 8/21/2024


3 sets, rest as needed

10/side diagonal band pull aparts

8/side 1-arm DB ext rotation @ 10-15lbs

6 snatch grip prone lift offs with 2 sec hold (empty training bar or lightly loaded PVC)

Done – really liked this prep work – also added in front rack sotts press on slantboard


For time

7-5-3-5-7 power snatches @ 155lbs

14-10-6-10-14 front squats @ 155lbs (from floor)

12:52 – my goal was around 10 minutes, but it was the front squats that slowed me down, they felt really strong on the front end but probably should’ve done smaller sets as my back became tired and that made me not want to move the snatch as fast….and last set of FS i wanted to try and do 2 sets but that shit was not going to happen

+ (rest as needed)

Did row work as pm just due to schedule and i’m actually glad I did because the low back fatigue would’ve been in my head going into the row

Row Warm-up; 


Row 1:40 @ 1-2 sec per 500m faster than avg pace from test

rest 20 seconds 


1:48.8 (2296) – last two sets were 1:49.6–1:49.1

rest 3min, then: 

Row 1:40 @ 2-4 sec per 500m faster than avg pace from test 

rest 20 seconds 


1:45—1:46.3 this set(s) might have been a little easier from a mental perspective not neccesarily effort, it was just sit down, focus on strong leg drives and long pulls and go

rest 3min, then: 

Row 1:40 @ 2-4 sec per 500m faster than avg pace from test 

rest 20 seconds 



rest 3min, then: 

Row 1:40 @ 6-10 sec SLOWER per 500m than avg pace from test 

rest 20 seconds 

1:59.4 —— this was the hardest one 


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