Friday 8/16/2024 – Monday


A – PC/PJ – 1 rep every 15 sec x 15 reps, 155lbs


B – Banded sumo deadlifts – 5×5, rest 2 min (175 on bar, med band)



4 Rounds, for max reps: 

1 Minute Shuttle Run 8-8-8-7

1 Minute Wall Balls (20 to 10) 30-27-29-31

1 Minute BBJOs @ 24in 12-12-12-13

1 Minute Rest

These movements/efforts/paces felt very sustainable…shuttle was the only one that i felt iffy on pushing the pace to get one extra rep and the cost of that


Self directed metcon (i know a lot of TTT folks will be trying to do Lazar workout this weekend, but no pressure on that. if you have time for a double here feel free to self direct, if not lets just hit this strength work)

I did the Lazar tribute in the am….time = 35:11 – I tore my hand so that slowed me down on the back half….but hspu felt really really strong so i’m super pleased with that.

A – BB Bench press @ 41X1 tempo x 4 reps, rest 2 min x 5 sets

I had in my mind i wanted to hit 185. But after all the work from the am, my pushers were tired so i stayed at 175

B1 – 1-arm banded DB bent over row x 8/arm, rest 1 min


B2 – Dbl DB squeeze press x 10, rest 1 min x 3 sets 


C1 – Strict rope pullups x 6-8 (switch top hand at halfway), rest 1 min

C2 – Piked strict HSPU x 4-6, rest 1 min x 4 sets (feet on box, hips above hands, hands can go on DB’s/parallettes – )

Man my pushers were tired – 6-5-4-5

D – Single DB overhead tricep extensions x 50 for time @ 35lbs (big sets!)

I don’t remember my time now but sets were 20–13-17 — i almost failed rep 50, i would have felt silly having to finish with one rep

8/18 – OFF


Half kneeling thoracic flow x 3 sets

5 reps/side of (overhead half moon with arm closest to wall + horizontal windmill with arm away from wall) ( )

30 sec of foam rolling upper back , keep rib cage down during to isolate t spine



A – Parallette shoot through skill work 8-10 min (progressive intensity as you go, work towards tucked/extended V-sit to controlled tucked planche – )


B1 – Band assisted tuck planche x 18 sec (active protraction, get a good lean forward), rest 42 sec ( )


B2 – Tucked back lever on rings x 18 sec, rest 1:42 x 5 sets

The extra 3 seconds here was super freaking hard

C – Piked parallette HSPU x 8, rest 3 min x 4 sets (set a target for head to hit bt parallettes, make it challenging depth for this rep range. get as vertically stacked as you can)

I really feel all this thoracic work and handstand positional work is really paying off

D – BB OHS @ 32X1 tempo x 4 reps, new set every 2:30 min x 5



Not for time – 26 1-arm alternating TGU @ 35lbs


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