Friday 7/12/24 – Monday 7/15/24


*rest between EMOMs as needed

I did this on Saturday, saturday turned into a double because on friday I had a chance to do a swim workout at a friends and added 90 more burpees into that day and the week. 

EMOM x 5

3-4 ring MU for quality



EMOM x 5

6-7 strict HSPU



EMOM x 5

8-10 chest to bar pullups

10-10-10-8-10 – biceps felt a little stressed by this point, not sure if the ring work played a role but that was the main reason I pulled back in the 4th minute


EMOM x 5

10 dbl DB bench press @ 50-60lbs/hand



EMOM x 10 (5 each, alternating)

Odd – 15 GHD situps

Even – 5 wall walks

On the 3rd round it took me 48 seconds to do the ghdsu, so I rested a little bit and then continued. I was fine with the wall walks but ghd’s just smoked me


AMRAP 20 minutes

300m Row 

20 alt DB hang power snatch

50ft single arm OH walking lunges (25ft segments)

6+300+11 – not sure if I had done this as a single but the ghdsu from earlier felt like they played a role in my lay back on the row, which I felt like I just couldln’t hold really good power output there. But had I done the ghdsu on Friday the soreness possibly still would’ve been some carryover fatigue/sorenes. Snatch unbroken and lunges I stopped trying to to the 50ft unbroken when turning around but that transition definitely slowed down a lot.

7/14 – OFF


Thoracic prep (your choice from drills that have worked best)


Shoulder strength

Support pike slide 3 sets of 3-4 reps – , try to get feet to ‘float’ at the top

Parallettes on boxes pike raise 3 sets of 3-4 reps – , press down HARD and try to elevated hips as high as you can

Straddle tripod to headstand with controlled toe touches 3 sets of 3-4 reps

*for these, do them right up against a wall so that you have it there to catch you if you go too far forward 

Not as good today as last week as my abs were still so freaking sore and felt really hard to contract on the first 2 but the tripod work felt a little better and I did not fall over as much. 


A1 – 30 sec straight arm dead hang, rest 15 sec

A2 – 45 sec AMRAP strict pullups, rest 2:30 x 4 sets

(new set every 4 min)



3 sets upper body pressing burnout

6-7 parallette pushups

8-10 hand release pushups

10-12 cobra pushups

15-18 banded tricep pressdowns

rest 2 min bt sets

7/8/10/18 – I did go for the higher end on some of them but I’m not that brave on the cobra push up yet

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