Thoracic prep (your choice from drills that have worked best)
Shoulder strength
Support pike slide 3 sets of 3-4 reps – https://youtu.be/hCscG9mhXHE?t=332 , try to get feet to ‘float’ at the top
Parallettes on boxes pike raise 3 sets of 3-4 reps – https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1Wk1ryma854?feature=share , press down HARD and try to elevated hips as high as you can
Straddle tripod to headstand with controlled toe touches 3 sets of 3-4 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfaZ-vkbmaI
*for these, do them right up against a wall so that you have it there to catch you if you go too far forward
These got really fun when I realized how much compression you have to create in order to make this happen. But of course with that level of tension I fatigued a little quicker
This/these were fun.
A1 – 20 sec straight arm dead hang, rest 20 sec
A2 – 40 sec AMRAP strict pullups, rest 2:40 x 4 sets
(new set every 4 min)
3 sets upper body pressing burnout
5-6 parallette pushups
6-8 hand release pushups
8-10 cobra pushups
12-15 banded tricep pressdowns
rest 2 min bt sets
I know this was going to be sneaky hard so I opted to go for the lower end range of reps and boy was I right, and of course what seems like the simplest move in the cobra had the deepest level of discomfort
Every 90 sec x 20 sets (10 each)
Odd sets – 60 sec AMRAP row cals 20–19–19–19–18–18–18–18–19–21
Even sets – 60 sec AMRAP lateral burpees over erg 18–17–17–17–17–16–17–17–18–21
(will be 30 sec rest bt sets, I’d LOVE to see consistent splits for first 6-8 of each then find a little push for the last few, so lets pace this well)
I think i paced this really good, but a hard pace that made it really hard to dig in even more on those last sets
A – Floating squat snatch triples, rest 3 min x 5 sets (all working sets above 135lbs)
5 rounds for time
1 round of DT @ 135lbs
50 DU’s
*do this as 2 min working window, 1 min rest. use this setup to chase some urgency and turnover/transition speed.
6:42 —well, if it could have gone wrong with the DU it did. I feel super confident I could’ve finished this in sub 6….my shoe came untied in the 2nd interval and I powered through that set of dubz but I was going to lose a lot of time so i tied it when i got back to the barbell. Then on the next round of dubz my rope broke, this was near the end of the 2 min so i didn’t lose a ton of time but i did lose some.