Due June 16

100 cal echo, progressive intensity, faster every 30 cals, open it up last 10


Positional breathing from Piked HSPU position (toes on box, hips above shoulders). do 5 breath cycles with arms extended, and 5 breath cycles with head on ground. rest as needed x 3 sets



Positional breathing from quadruped position (hands below shoulders, knees below hips). push through ground to protract scaps, breathe in through belly and mid to upper back, 360 degree expansion. 5 breath cycles, rock hips back to heels slowly with each breath, rest as needed x 3 sets

Are the knees supported or off the ground here…i did a little of both


1-arm thoracic bridge flow on ground (bear position to 1-arm bridge and back, move deliberately and controlled with breathing at end ranges) x 8 alternating reps, rest as needed x 3 sets

I used to love these and this is also a good indicator of my shoulder health. I still feel a little weakness in my left shoulder when getting into hip extension


Piked HS walk 180 degrees + 6 piked HSPU with hips above hands (2 breaths/rep) + 12 alternating shoulder taps from piked HS + Piked HS walk 180 degrees back, slow spin on bike with ful inhale/exhale as active recovery x 3 sets

Might be the hardest piked hspu I’ve ever done, not bad but the 2 breaths/rep is a game changer.


Elevated band pull aparts with distraction x 6-8 (keep rib cage down and lats active – https://www.instagram.com/p/BVnGBP3nyrg/ )

Landmine pivot press x 6/side, finish rep with protraction/elevation ( https://www.instagram.com/p/BScV0ixDJCg/ ), rest as needed x 3 sets

+50 on bar


100 cal echo, progressive intensity, faster every 30 cals, finish overall faster than the warmup

I completely forgot to mark my echo times but the first set was around 7:20 and the second one was sub 7, i think in the 6:30-6:45 range

Every 3 min x 10 alternating sets

Odd sets – Row 12 cals + 12 bar facing burpees

Even sets – Echo 10 cals + 15 wallballs




Every 2 min x 10 alternating sets

odd sets – heavy 50ft prowler push

Even sets – heavy 50ft back rack yoke carry

Had to do a make shift yoke with loaded and banded kb’s

Thoracic series

Supine wall squat with foam roller under tspine x 30 sec mobilization ( https://www.instagram.com/p/CFApCYwATnM/?igshid=122qah2w375z9 , this is setup, hold light load behind head and work on allowing t-spine to extend more with each long exhale)

1-arm thoracic bridge flow on ground (bear position to 1-arm bridge and back, move deliberately and controlled with breathing at end ranges – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_aJXXGs6kg )

Thoracic extensions x 5-6 reps @ 3131 tempo (drape your upper body around the curved pads of the GHD, and work on segmenting your t-spine extension and get those erectors to fire well)


A – BB OHS @ 3111 tempo x 3-4 reps, rest 3 min x 5 sets (build in loading from last week)


B1 – Seated DB elevator press x 6 ‘reps’ (1 rep = press to 90 degree elbow angle, back to shoulder, press to full extension, back to shoulder


B2 – False grip elevator pullups x 5 ‘reps’ (1 rep = pull to 90 degree elbow angle, back to full hang, pull chest to rings, back to full hang), rest 90 sec x 5 sets

On the 4th set, it was either a major fight to maintain the false of actually get c2b by the 4th and 5th reps

C1 – Bottom of ring dip support hold 20-24 sec, rest 30 sec

24 much much stronger positions this week

C2 – DB arc rows x 8-10/side, rest 90 sec x 5 sets


D1 – Single leg standing side to side KB pass x 6/direction

D2 – Banded frog pumps x 20

D3 – Banded hip thrusts x 20, rest as needed x 3 sets

Made up on saturday

5-6 min easy bike erg


2 sets, second a little faster than first

20 sec echo bike, rest 40

20 sec row, rest 40 

20 sec ski, rest 40


EMOM x 40 (10 rounds)

1 – AMRAP 45 sec echo bike cals

2 – AMRAP 45 sec row cals

3 – AMRAP 45 sec ski cals

4 – Rest

*target – same paces as last week, more work less rest

Paces were the same as I could remember, last week hit 13 cals in that window this week 14…..it was by round 8 that got really grindy on ski, row i knew I was going to hit bike also was solid as a strong start, but ski I hit every time but with half seconds to spare


200m backwards walk cooldown



Not a good day, i don’t know if I went into the gym dehydrated or the lack of airflow in the gym today increased my body temp and i couldn’t cool down. When i got into my conditioning i felt weak and out of shape, i think weather/temperature had more to do with it than anything but it was very humbling. 

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