A – Split Jerk w/ 1 sec pause in dip: Find a max for the day. Be disciplined with the full 1 sec pause in the dip. Use block if able
245 – missed 255 – just couldn’t generate enough power to drive the bar out of the pause
12-minute AMRAP:
8 DB Power Clean @ 50lbs
40 Crossover Singles
8 DB Box Step Ups @ 50lbs
16 Cal Row
3 even – so i have to get on a crossover single grind
B – Accumulate 20 strict L-sit pullups
Done in sets of 5
C – Accumulate 80 GHD situps
D – Accumulate 200ft HSW
Done – it was about the 125-150ft mark that i got really fatigued
2/4 – OFF
Snatch recoveries from tall blocks or spotter arms x, rest 4-5 sec bt reps, 2 min bt sets x 5 sets
145-155-165-175×2 – i stopped at 175 because that was the first set that I felt the balance in my feet not as consistent
A1 – Heaving snatch balances x 3 reps with pause in the bottom , rest 30 sec
A2 – High hang squat snatch triples x 3, 3 sec pause in the bottom of each rep, rest 2:30 x 5 sets
115 – this might have been a bit heavy for all the volume even though it felt good crisp and fast
(building slightly from last week, but still LIGHT, we want a lot of exposure in that position)
B – Bottoms up 1-arm DB overhead squat from low box x 5/side, rest 1 min bt arms x 3 sets/side
(sit completely on low box with feet in squat stance, press DB up overhead, then stand up, pause, and sit back down under control)
C1 – DBl DB OH carry x 60ft @ 50lbs/hand, rest 20 sec
C2 – Butt to wall strict HSPU x 6-9 reps (use the 10in line, 30in wide), rest 2:30 x 4 sets
C – Front squats 5 sets of 10 @ 115-125lbs, rest 90 sec
5 rounds @ steady effort (gymnastic volume accumulation)
3-4 weighted ring pullups
12 Parallette pushups
10 feet elevated ring rows
12 dbl DB bench press
40 for pull ups and 50’s for bench press