Monday 12/18/2023 – Wednesday 12/27/2023

12/18 (low intensity, focus on back decompression)

3 sets, challenge loading on the muscle snatches by the end

2-3 below knee hang muscle snatch

2-3 above knee hang power snatch

2-3 heaving snatch balances (no foot transition, speed under with a little dip drive)

2-3 tempo OHS @ 22X1

75-95-115 – did 2 sets at 115 as it felt good and wanted to feel a second set at the tougher load


A1 – Mini band psoas march from standing with hands on wall x 16 alternating steps ( , rest 45 sec

A2 – Mini band quadruped kickbacks x 16 alternating reps ( ), rest 45 sec

A3 – Copenhagen planks x 10-15 sec/side ( ), rest 45 sec

A4 – Straight arm star plank x 10-15 sec/side ( ), rest 45 sec x 4 sets

B1 – Banded hip thrusts from bench x 20, pause at top, ( ), rest 1 min

B2 – Flutter kicks from parallettes x 16-20 into parallette L-sit ALAP, rest 2 min x 3 sets



Every 8 min x 4 sets


Row cals

Ski cals



5 min easy bike erg


5 min down regulation breathing


A1 – BB strict press @ 30X2 tempo x 4 strong reps, rest 30 sec

First set was at 125 and that was a bit too grindy at the tempo, backed off to 115 – also felt very stiff today through my neck/traps so all my pressing felt very restricted

A2 – Strict HSPU x 10 for time, rest 2:30 x 4 sets

47-1:19-1:47 – just not a good day pressing at all. The struggle felt extra hard the last few millimeters into lockout

B1 – Elbow on knee DB external rotations @ 30X1 tempo x 8/side, rest 1 min


B2 – Strict ring dips @ 20X1 tempo x 8-10, rest 1 min x 4 sets


C1 – 1-arm DB bent over row @ 30X1 tempo x 8/side, rest 1 min


C2 – 1-arm DB scott press x 8-10/side, rest 1 min x 4 sets ( )

D – 60 reps of banded tricep overhead extensions from prone on ground (big sets, make it burn. )


12/21 – OFF




CF fun


“Christmas Throwdown!!

With a partner – Snowman Drawing Edition:

Base Snowball = 100 Double Unders ⁣

Body Snowball = 75 Cal Row ⁣

Head Snowball = 50 Burpees ⁣

Hat = 100 Double Unders ⁣

Eyes = 75 Cal Row ⁣

Nose = 50 Air Squats (each)⁣

Mouth = 100 Double Unders ⁣

Pipe = 75 Cal Row ⁣

Arms = 50 Burpees ⁣

Buttons = 100 Double Unders ⁣

Scarf = 75 Cal Row ⁣

Eyebrows = 50 Walking Lunge steps (each) ⁣

*In pairs. Once you complete each movement, you may move to your board and draw the next part of the snowman – you cannot move from one exercise to the next until ALL reps have been completed for that movement and you draw that portion of the snowman. There are two scores for this workout – 1. Fastest time to complete the snowman and 2. Best Snowman drawing picked by the TTT community (post your completed photo to Instagram using #tttTD220)⁣

12/24 and 12/25 – OFF


Core Activations:

RKC “”Hard Style”” Plank Hold – 10 sec @ max effort tension

McGill Curl-up: 10 sec on/5 sec off x 4 sets/side; 10 sec on/5 sec off x 3 sets/side; 10 sec on/5 sec off x 2 sets/side; rest 30 sec b/t the sets of 4,3,&2

Rotating Planks on Elbows: 10 sec middle + 10sec left + 10 sec right + 10 sec middle x 5 sets; Rest 30 sec b/t sets

*Rest as needed b/t each


Every 2 min x 12

Set 1 – 10 shuttle runs

Set 2 – 22 cal ski erg

Set 3 – 26 cal row


Dbl KB front rack carry x 50ft, rest 90 sec x 6 (24-32kg/hand)

In the car all day


EMOM x 16

Min 1-2: Bike erg 1k

Min 3 – AMRAP 45 sec burpees to 12in touch

Min 4 – rest


+ (rest 4 min)

EMOM x 16

Min 1-2: Row 500m

Min 3 – AMRAP 45 sec dbl DB devil press @ 50/hand

Min 4 – rest

7-6-6-7 – the 2nd round and on with devil press was sure will and determination. Felt good in the first emom but this felt so much harder. The row felt like work and wasn’t smooth so after the first set I had to push to keep my pace around 1:50amd then going into dp i had to dig in mentally. It would’ve been super easy to make excise and pull back or quit but wasn’t going to have that 

+ (rest 4 min)

Every 2 min x 8 alternating sets (4 each)

Odd sets – 4 rope climbs

Even sets – 30 heavy rope DU’s + 20 single DB hold alternating step ups

Rope climbs got really sloppy and i’m just slow at db step ups

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