A1 – Circling GHD hip extensions x 5/direction
A2 – Twisting GHD sorenson hold x 5/direction
A3 – Hip blocked GHD back extensions x 5 slow reps
A4 – Reverse leg lifts from bench with mini band around ankles and ab mat under hips x 10-12, rest as needed x 2 sets
B – (Power snatch x 1/Heaving snatch balance x 1/OHS x 1) x 3 unbroken complexes, rest 3 min x 4 working sets
Wasn’t sure if this was tng out of the overhead squat into the power snatch, i did that up until the last set which i moved 155 and felt like it would’ve been a bit too grindy for that. 130-145-150-155
C1 – Bike 30 cals @ 400+ watts, rest 30 sec
Times were on bike were – 1:17 – 1:20 – 1:21 – 1:15
C2 – Squat clean x 1.1.1, rest no longer than 20 sec bt reps, 3-4 min bt sets x 4, find a tough working load by the last set
205-225-235-245 – also did this today as a pm as still did an am session with the boys that was partner based and majority machines
Running Clock:
At 0:00, For time
Row 250m
15 Power Snatch @ 95lbs
10 BFB
15 Power Snatch @ 95lbs
Row 250m
rest to 10 min mark
At 10:00, For time
Row 250m
15 Thrusters @ 95lbs
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
15 Thrusters @ 95lbs
Row 250m
*score = total working time
4:37 – 5:12 – had to hit this early so tried to get really fired up to get after it and then it punched me in the face. Power snatch just slowed me down, did UB on the first half and might have been a bad idea. Thrusters UB first half and had no umph to go 15 straight so tried to chop them up and rest as little as possible but that turned into really slow thrusters
Accumulate, not for time
40 pistols/side
80 GHD situps
120 russian swings @ 32kg
There is a definitive difference from my right side on the pistols. My left leg feels good and strong but not my right. I had an annoyance over the past 2-3 months on my right side that I used a ton of knees over toes and isometric holds to get back to a pain free environment but now I feel a little weaker on that side
9/3 – OFF
3 sets of 20 HSPU, rest 2 min bt sets
Start each set with an AMRAP set of strict HSPU, then go into kipping reps to finish the 20
3 sets of 30 pullups, rest 3 min bt sets
Start each set with an AMRAP set of strict chin over bar pullups, then go into kipping C2B to finish the 30
15-12-8 – and going to kipping after strict I felt very uncoordinated, this also was very very hard
3 sets of 40 wallballs @ 30lbs, start each set with as big of an unbroken effort as possible, rest 3 min bt sets actively on bike erg
28-20-20 – really wanted to hit unbroken for one of the sets but today was not the day. Was at gym with no bike erg so used spin bike
4 rounds not for time
30 sec face up plank hold on GHD
30 sec bear hug hold with 200lb sandbag
10/side banded pallof hold split squats
10/direction landmine rotations from tall kneeling
Done but smoked
12-15 min continuous
60 sec nasal breathing cyclical option (row/jog/bike)
60 sec regular breathing cyclical option
30 sec/side perfect stretch
20 sec hollow rocks
20 sec arch rocks
5/side side plank press ups
3 times through
12-15 min continuous
3/side TGU @ 35lbs
3 skin the cats on rings
3/direction parallette shoot throughs
3/leg shrimp squat + pistol squat (use a PVC/rig upright to help with balance and get some controlled loading on single leg)
Did 4 times even after clock expired – i feel the difference here too on that right leg – everything else felt really really good
5k easy bike
I was super tired today but gave everything i had in the moment but machine paces felt much easier to hold than the last time we did this or something similiar to this
2 rounds, continuous effort
Ski 250m @ steady effort (around 1:55/500m)
12 PC/PJ AFAP @ 115lbs
+ (rest to recovery)
2 rounds, continuous effort
Row 250m @ steady effort (around 1:50/500m)
12 thrusters AFAP @ 115lbs
+ (rest to recovery)
2 rounds, continuous effort
Echo 15 cals @ steady effort (300-350 watts)
12 power snatches @ 115lbs
A1 – Plate pressouts from squat hold x 8-10, rest 30 sec
A2 – Sandbag bear hug reverse lunges x 8-10 alternating steps, rest 45 sec
A3 – Goblet hold alternating cossack squats x 8-10, rest 60 sec x 3 sets
Going to have to make this piece up either later today or will get it in on friday
9/7 – OFF