A – Below knee paused squat snatch x 1.1 + 2 OHS after second rep @ 42X1 tempo, rest 2 min x 6 working sets (work around 75-80%, pause for 2 sec with bar below knee caps before each snatch rep to re-inforce good tension in lats and posterior chain, move slowly and deliberately on OHS)
145-155 much better this week but still not feeling back yet
B – Power clean/Push Jerk singles, 1 rep every 15 sec x 8, rest 2 min x 4 working sets, same working load as last week at higher density
165-185-190-195 – last week pushing 205 was too much to stay clean and crisp
C – BB RDL @ 4121 tempo x 8-10, rest 2 min x 4
Stayed at 165 – just wasn’t feeling it today
D1 – Glute ham hip extensions x 10-12 into GHD sorenson hold for 40-50% of best hold time from testing, rest 90 sec
12 + 40
D2 – Star plank from elbow x 20 sec/side, rest 10 sec bt sides and 90 sec after both x 3 sets
Zone 2 volume
A1 – Dbl KB bottoms up bench press @ 2020 tempo x 8-10, rest 1 min (lets shoot for 35 for all, and try to create a stronger connection to the bell)
35’s on all across and really strong control the whole time
A2 – 1-arm negative only landmine meadows row x 6/side, rest 15 sec bt arms, rest 2 min x 4 sets
(pull to top with both, then do a 3 count negative with just the working arm)
50 with really slow controlled negative
B1 – Tempo ring pushups @ 2020 tempo x 12, rest 1 min
B2 – Feet elevated ring rows @ 2121 tempo x 12, rest 1 min x 4 sets
*elevate feet to just below hand height, should be tough angle
C1 – Mini band seal walk x 60ft, rest 1 min
C2 – Dbl DB reverse flys from incline bench x 12, rest 1 min
C3 – Dbl DB lat sweeps from incline bench x 12, rest 1 min (pause at end range on each rep to ‘find’ your lats, keep traps quiet)
15’s on flys – 20’s on sweeps
D – KB arm bar x 4/side x 5 sets, rest as needed
*same as last week, try to start off a little hotter here and then hang on
AMRAP 75 sec of hand over hand rope climbs with feet on floor
rest 75 sec x 5
*shoulders are last thing to leave floor, and first thing to get back to floor. keep butt high.
15-13-9-11-10 – my pullers were completely done after the 2nd set
6/25 – OFF
A – Paused front squats @ 23X2 tempo x 6, rest 2 min x 4 sets (find a tough working load at this tempo and rep range by the last set)
165-180-195-205 – not sure what is worse, the slower negative or the longer hold, both have their unique difficulties
B – Elevator strict press x 3 ‘reps’, rest 2 min x 4 sets (1 rep = press to eye level, back to shoulders, press to just above forehead, back to shoulders, press to full extension, back to shoulders)
C1 – BB inverted rows with feet elevated x 6-8, rest 1 min
C2 – Split jerk recovery from high blocks/pins x 3 reps, rest 10 sec bt reps, 1 min after set x 3 sets (build comfort in this setup this week before going too heavy)
165 – this was good for my wrists as I am still getting comfortable holding weight overhead but defintely feel goo getting more weight next week. just also trying to figure out my best set up with boxes
D1 – 1-arm DB side bends x 10/side, rest 15 sec bt arms and 1 min after both
50 – pretty easy but felt high quality and good range of motion
D2 – Band assisted strict chest to bar pullups x 10 reps, rest 1 min x 3 sets
Good and i know this is going to get hard